Arabic for cucumber
1) cucumber-noun
∘ Plural of خيارة in Arabic
∘ Examples of cucumber in Arabic and English
I like vegetables, such as carrots and cucumbers and fruits, such as apples and oranges
أحبّ الخضار كالخيار والجزر والفاكهة كالتّفّاح والبرتقال
My mom prepared a vegetables salad from cucumbers, tomatoes, olive oil and onions
حضّرت أمّي سلطة خضار من الخيار والبندورة والزّيت والبصل
∘ How to pronounce cucumber in English?
The word cucumber is pronounced in English as
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Arabic for cucumber
1) cucumber-noun
∘ Plural of خِيَارَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of cucumber in Arabic and English
I like vegetables, such as carrots and cucumbers and fruits, such as apples and oranges
أُحِبُّ الخُضَارَ كَالخِيَارِ وَالجَزَرِ وَالفَاكِهَةَ كَالتُّفَّاحِ وَالبُرتُقَالِ
My mom prepared a vegetables salad from cucumbers, tomatoes, olive oil and onions
حَضَّرَتْ أُمِّيْ سَلَطَةَ خُضَارٍ مِنَ الخِيَارِ وَالبَنْدُورَةِ وَالزَّيْتِ وَالبَصَلِ
∘ How to pronounce cucumber in English?
The word cucumber is pronounced in English as
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