cook in Arabic

Meaning of cook in Arabic is: (طبخ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

cook in Arabic

Arabic for cook

1) cook-verb


  ∘ cook meaning in Arabic & English

to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it

طبخ أي حضر الطعام بتسخينه بالغليان أو الخبز أو القلي

  ∘ Examples of cook in Arabic and English

I cook dinner every evening.

أنا أطبخ العشاء كل مساء.

She is cooking pasta now.

هي تطبخ المعكرونة الآن.

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They cooked a big meal for the family gathering.

لقد طبخوا وجبة كبيرة لتجمع العائلة.

My brothers cook together on weekends.

إخوتي يطبخون معا في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce cook in English?

The word cook is pronounced in English as



  ∘ cook meaning in Arabic & English

to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it

طبخ أي حضر الطعام بتسخينه بالغليان أو الخبز أو القلي

  ∘ Examples of cook in Arabic and English

I cook dinner every evening.

أنا أطبخ العشاء كل مساء.

She is cooking pasta now.

هي تطبخ المعكرونة الآن.

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They cooked a big meal for the family gathering.

لقد طبخوا وجبة كبيرة لتجمع العائلة.

My brothers cook together on weekends.

إخوتي يطبخون معا في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce cook in English?

The word cook is pronounced in English as

Arabic for cook

1) cook-verb


  ∘ cook meaning in Arabic & English

to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it

طبخ أي حضر الطعام بتسخينه بالغليان أو الخبز أو القلي

  ∘ Examples of cook in Arabic and English

I cook dinner every evening.

أنا أطبخ العشاء كل مساء.

She is cooking pasta now.

هي تطبخ المعكرونة الآن.

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They cooked a big meal for the family gathering.

لقد طبخوا وجبة كبيرة لتجمع العائلة.

My brothers cook together on weekends.

إخوتي يطبخون معا في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce cook in English?

The word cook is pronounced in English as



  ∘ cook meaning in Arabic & English

to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it

طبخ أي حضر الطعام بتسخينه بالغليان أو الخبز أو القلي

  ∘ Examples of cook in Arabic and English

I cook dinner every evening.

أنا أطبخ العشاء كل مساء.

She is cooking pasta now.

هي تطبخ المعكرونة الآن.

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They cooked a big meal for the family gathering.

لقد طبخوا وجبة كبيرة لتجمع العائلة.

My brothers cook together on weekends.

إخوتي يطبخون معا في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce cook in English?

The word cook is pronounced in English as
