commit in Arabic

Meaning of commit in Arabic is: (ارتكب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

commit in Arabic

Arabic for commit

1) commit-verb


  ∘ commit meaning in Arabic & English

to do something wrong or illegal

ارتكب شيئا أي قام بشيء خاطئ أو غير قانوني

  ∘ Examples of commit in Arabic and English

He committed a serious crime.

ارتكب جريمة خطيرة.

They committed fraud against the company.

ارتكبوا عملية احتيالية ضد الشركة.

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The suspect committed the act in broad daylight.

ارتكب المشتبه به الفعل في وضح النهار.

The organization committed violations of human rights

ارتكبت المنظمة انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان.

  ∘ How to pronounce commit in English?

The word commit is pronounced in English as

Arabic for commit

1) commit-verb


  ∘ commit meaning in Arabic & English

to do something wrong or illegal

ارتكب شيئا أي قام بشيء خاطئ أو غير قانوني

  ∘ Examples of commit in Arabic and English

He committed a serious crime.

ارتكب جريمة خطيرة.

They committed fraud against the company.

ارتكبوا عملية احتيالية ضد الشركة.

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The suspect committed the act in broad daylight.

ارتكب المشتبه به الفعل في وضح النهار.

The organization committed violations of human rights

ارتكبت المنظمة انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان.

  ∘ How to pronounce commit in English?

The word commit is pronounced in English as
