command in Arabic

Meaning of command in Arabic is: (أمر) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

command in Arabic

Arabic for command

1) command-noun


  ∘ command meaning in Arabic & English

an order given to a person or an animal

أمر يعطى لشخص أو حيوان

  ∘ Examples of command in Arabic and English

The general issued a command to retreat.

أصدر الجنرال أمرا بالانسحاب.

Commands must be followed immediately.

يجب اتباع الأوامر على الفور.

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He received a command to appear in court.

تلقى أمرا بالقدوم إلى المحكمة

The software accepts voice commands.

يقبل البرنامج الأوامر الصوتية

  ∘ How to pronounce command in English?

The word command is pronounced in English as

Arabic for command

1) command-noun


  ∘ command meaning in Arabic & English

an order given to a person or an animal

أمر يُعطى لشخص أو حيوان

  ∘ Examples of command in Arabic and English

The general issued a command to retreat.

أصدر الجنرال أمراً بالانسحاب.

Commands must be followed immediately.

يجب اتباع الأوامر على الفور.

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He received a command to appear in court.

تلقى أمراً بالقدوم إلى المحكمة

The software accepts voice commands.

يقبل البرنامج الأوامر الصوتية

  ∘ How to pronounce command in English?

The word command is pronounced in English as
