cheque in Arabic

Meaning of cheque in Arabic is: (شِيْك) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

cheque in Arabic

Arabic for cheque

1) cheque -noun


  ∘ cheque meaning in Arabic & English

a printed form, used instead of money, to make payments from your bank account

  ∘ Plural of شيك in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of cheque in Arabic and English

she wrote him a cheque for five hundreds dollars

كتبت له شيكّا بخمسمئة ألف دولار

We do not accept cheques in our company's transactions

لا نقبل الشّيكّات في تعاملات شركتنا

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Where can I cash the cheque?

أين يمكنني صرف الشّيكّ؟

He tried to pass a dud cheque

حاول تمرير شيكّا مزيّفا

Arabic for cheque

1) cheque -noun


  ∘ cheque meaning in Arabic & English

a printed form, used instead of money, to make payments from your bank account

  ∘ Plural of شِيْك in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of cheque in Arabic and English

she wrote him a cheque for five hundreds dollars

كَتَبَتْ لَهُ شِيْكًّا بِخَمْسُمِئَةِ أَلْفِ دُوْلَارٍ

We do not accept cheques in our company's transactions

لَا نَقْبَلُ الشِّيْكَّاتَ فِيْ تَعَامُلَاتِ شَرِكَتِنَا

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Where can I cash the cheque?

أَيْنَ يُمْكِنُنِيْ صَرْفُ الشِّيْكِّ؟

He tried to pass a dud cheque

حَاوَلَ تَمْرِيْرَ شِيْكًّا مُزَيَّفًا
