bizarre in Arabic

Meaning of bizarre in Arabic is: (عَجِيْب، غَرِيْب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

bizarre in Arabic

Arabic for bizarre

1) bizarre -adj


  ∘ bizarre meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of bizarre in Arabic and English

My grandma told me an unbelievable bizarre story

أخبرتني جدّتي قصّة عجيبة لا تصدّق

I've faced a bizarre situation in Greece

واجهت موقفا عجيبا في اليونان

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Stop this bizarre behavior

توقّف عن هذا السّلوك العجيب

He writes in a bizarre style

يكتب بأسلوب عجيب

  ∘ How to pronounce bizarre in English?

The word bizarre is pronounced in English as

2) bizarre -adj


  ∘ bizarre meaning in Arabic & English

very strange and unusual:

  ∘ Examples of bizarre in Arabic and English

I've faced a bizarre situation in Greece

واجهت موقفا غريبا في اليونان

Stop this bizarre behavior

توقّف عن هذا السّلوك الغريب

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My grandma told me an unbelievable bizarre story

أخبرتني جدّتي قصّة غريبة لا تصدّق

He writes in a bizarre style

يكتب بأسلوب غريب

  ∘ How to pronounce bizarre in English?

The word bizarre is pronounced in English as

How to pronounce bizarre in English?

How to write bizarre in Arabiv?
تكتب Bizarre باللغة العربية "عجيب" أو "غريب"

How to say a bizarre idea in Arabic?
تعني bizarre idear بالعربية فكرة غريبة أو فكرة عجيبة

Arabic for bizarre

1) bizarre -adj


  ∘ bizarre meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of bizarre in Arabic and English

My grandma told me an unbelievable bizarre story

أَخْبَرَتْنِيَ جَدَّتِيْ قِصَّةً عَجِيْبَةً لَا تُصَدَّقُ

I've faced a bizarre situation in Greece

وَاجَهْتُ مَوْقِفًا عَجِيْبًا فِيْ اليُوْنَانِ

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Stop this bizarre behavior

تَوَقَّفْ عَنْ هَذِا السُّلُوْكِ العَجِيْبِ

He writes in a bizarre style

يَكْتُبُ بِأُسْلُوْبٍ عَجِيْبٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce bizarre in English?

The word bizarre is pronounced in English as

2) bizarre -adj


  ∘ bizarre meaning in Arabic & English

very strange and unusual:

  ∘ Examples of bizarre in Arabic and English

I've faced a bizarre situation in Greece

وَاجَهْتُ مَوْقِفًا غَرِيْبًا فِيْ اليُوْنَانِ

Stop this bizarre behavior

تَوَقَّفْ عَنْ هَذِا السُّلُوْكِ الغَرِيْبِ

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My grandma told me an unbelievable bizarre story

أَخْبَرَتْنِيَ جَدَّتِيْ قِصَّةً غَرِيْبَةً لَا تُصَدَّقُ

He writes in a bizarre style

يَكْتُبُ بِأُسْلُوْبٍ غَرِيْبٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce bizarre in English?

The word bizarre is pronounced in English as

How to pronounce bizarre in English?

How to write bizarre in Arabiv?
تكتب Bizarre باللغة العربية "عجيب" أو "غريب"

How to say a bizarre idea in Arabic?
تعني bizarre idear بالعربية فكرة غريبة أو فكرة عجيبة
