bishop in Arabic

Meaning of bishop in Arabic is: (أَسْقُف، فِيْل، مِطْرَان) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

bishop in Arabic

Arabic for bishop

1) bishop-noun


  ∘ bishop meaning in Arabic & English

a priest of high rank who is in charge of the priests of lower rank in a particular area

  ∘ Plural of أسقف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bishop in Arabic and English

The bishop's speech instigated violence against the Muslim minority

حرّض خطاب الأسقف على العنف ضدّ الأقلّيّة المسلمة

The church condemned the bishop's speech

أدانت الكنيسة تصريحات الأسقف

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The bishop of Cairo

أسقف القاهرة

Bishop John

الأسقف يوحنّا

Three bishops was killed in the incident

قتل في الحادث ثلاثة أساقفة

  ∘ How to pronounce bishop in English?

The word bishop is pronounced in English as

2) bishop-noun


  ∘ bishop meaning in Arabic & English

a piece used in the game of chess that is like a bishop’s hat in shape and can move any number of squares in a diagonal line

  ∘ Plural of فيل in Arabic


  ∘ How to pronounce bishop in English?

The word bishop is pronounced in English as

3) bishop-noun


  ∘ bishop meaning in Arabic & English

a priest of high rank who is in charge of the priests of lower rank in a particular area

  ∘ Plural of مطران in Arabic

مطارنة/ مطارين

  ∘ Examples of bishop in Arabic and English

The bishop's speech instigated violence against the Muslim minority

حرّض خطاب المطران على العنف ضدّ الأقلّيّة المسلمة

The church condemned the bishop's speech

أدانت الكنيسة تصريحات المطران

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The bishop of Cairo

مطران القاهرة

Bishop John

المطران يوحنّا

Three bishops was killed in the incident

قتل في الحادث ثلاثة مطارنة

  ∘ How to pronounce bishop in English?

The word bishop is pronounced in English as

Arabic for bishop

1) bishop-noun


  ∘ bishop meaning in Arabic & English

a priest of high rank who is in charge of the priests of lower rank in a particular area

  ∘ Plural of أَسْقُف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bishop in Arabic and English

The bishop's speech instigated violence against the Muslim minority

حَرَّضَ خِطَابُ الأَسْقُفِ عَلَىْ العُنْفِ ضِدَّ الأَقَلِّيَّةِ المُسْلِمَةِ

The church condemned the bishop's speech

أَدَانَتِ الكَنِيْسَةُ تَصْرِيْحَاتِ الأَسْقُفِ

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The bishop of Cairo

أَسْقُفُ القَاهِرَةَ

Bishop John

الأَسْقُفُ يُوْحِنَّا

Three bishops was killed in the incident

قُتِلَ فِيْ الحَادِثِ ثَلَاثَةُ أَسَاقِفَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce bishop in English?

The word bishop is pronounced in English as

2) bishop-noun


  ∘ bishop meaning in Arabic & English

a piece used in the game of chess that is like a bishop’s hat in shape and can move any number of squares in a diagonal line

  ∘ Plural of فِيْل in Arabic


  ∘ How to pronounce bishop in English?

The word bishop is pronounced in English as

3) bishop-noun


  ∘ bishop meaning in Arabic & English

a priest of high rank who is in charge of the priests of lower rank in a particular area

  ∘ Plural of مِطْرَان in Arabic

مَطَارِنَة/ مَطَارِيْن

  ∘ Examples of bishop in Arabic and English

The bishop's speech instigated violence against the Muslim minority

حَرَّضَ خِطَابُ المُطْرَانِ عَلَىْ العُنْفِ ضِدَّ الأَقَلِّيَّةِ المُسْلِمَةِ

The church condemned the bishop's speech

أَدَانَتِ الكَنِيْسَةُ تَصْرِيْحَاتِ المُطْرَانَ

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The bishop of Cairo

مُطْرَانُ القَاهِرَةَ

Bishop John

المُطْرَانُ يُوْحِنَّا

Three bishops was killed in the incident

قُتِلَ فِيْ الحَادِثِ ثَلَاثَةُ مَطَارِنَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce bishop in English?

The word bishop is pronounced in English as
