beg in Arabic

Meaning of beg in Arabic is: (استجدى، التمس، شحذ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

beg in Arabic

Arabic for beg

1) beg-verb

استجدى -فعل

  ∘ beg meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

استجدى أيّ طلب عونا أو حاجة بشكل ملّح

Click to show conjugation of استجدى

  ∘ استجدى past tense conjugation in Arabic

استجدى استجدت استجدينا استجدوا

  ∘ استجدى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يستجدي تستجدي أستجدي نستجدي يستجدون تستجدون

  ∘ استجدى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

استجدي استجدي استجدوا

  ∘ Examples of beg in Arabic and English

They begged for help.

استجدوا من أجل المساعدة.

I want to beg for support?

أريد أن استجدي من أجل الدعم.

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He begged to be free.

استجدى من أجل أن يطيق سراحه.

  ∘ How to pronounce beg in English?

The word beg is pronounced in English as

2) beg-verb


  ∘ beg meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

التمس أيّ طلب عونا أو رجى من أجل شيّء ما

Click to show conjugation of التمس

  ∘ التمس past tense conjugation in Arabic

التمس التمست التمسنا التمسوا

  ∘ التمس present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يلتمس تلتمس ألتمس نلتمس يلتمسون تلتمسون

  ∘ التمس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

التمس التمسي التمسوا

  ∘ Examples of beg in Arabic and English

I begged a permission from the manager.

التمست إذنا من المدير.

She begged a favour from her friend.

التمست معروفا من صديقتها.

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He will beg to be allowed to leave.

سوف يلتمس السماح له بالمغادرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce beg in English?

The word beg is pronounced in English as

3) beg-verb


  ∘ beg meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to ask somebody for money, food, etc., especially in the street

شحذ أيّ طلب من شخص ما نقود أو طعام الخ................

Click to show conjugation of شحذ

  ∘ شحذ past tense conjugation in Arabic

شحذ شحذت شحذنا شحذوا

  ∘ شحذ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يشحذ تشحذ أشحذ نشحذ يشحذون تشحذون

  ∘ شحذ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

شحذ شحذت شحذوا

  ∘ Examples of beg in Arabic and English

He was in the street begging for money.

كان يشحذ في الشارع طالبا المال.

She begged for shelter from the organization.

شحذت مأوى من المنظّمة.

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They begged food from the restaurant.

شحذوا طعام من المطعم.

  ∘ How to pronounce beg in English?

The word beg is pronounced in English as

Arabic for beg

1) beg-verb

استجدى -فعل

  ∘ beg meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

استجدى أيّ طلب عوناً أو حاجة بشكل مُلّح

Click to show conjugation of استجدى

  ∘ استجدى past tense conjugation in Arabic

استجدى استجدت استجدينا استجدوا

  ∘ استجدى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يستجدي تستجدي أستجدي نستجدي يستجدون تستجدون

  ∘ استجدى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

استجدي استجدي استجدوا

  ∘ Examples of beg in Arabic and English

They begged for help.

استجدوا من أجل المساعدة.

I want to beg for support?

أريد أن استجدي من أجل الدعم.

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He begged to be free.

استجدى من أجل أن يطيق سراحه.

  ∘ How to pronounce beg in English?

The word beg is pronounced in English as

2) beg-verb


  ∘ beg meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

التمس أيّ طلب عوناً أو رجى من أجل شيّء ما

Click to show conjugation of التمس

  ∘ التمس past tense conjugation in Arabic

التمس التمست التمسنا التمسوا

  ∘ التمس present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يلتمس تلتمس ألتمس نلتمس يلتمسون تلتمسون

  ∘ التمس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

التمس التمسي التمسوا

  ∘ Examples of beg in Arabic and English

I begged a permission from the manager.

التمستُ إذناً من المدير.

She begged a favour from her friend.

التمست معروفاً من صديقتها.

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He will beg to be allowed to leave.

سوف يلتمس السماح له بالمغادرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce beg in English?

The word beg is pronounced in English as

3) beg-verb


  ∘ beg meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to ask somebody for money, food, etc., especially in the street

شحذ أيّ طلب من شخص ما نقود أو طعام الخ................

Click to show conjugation of شحذ

  ∘ شحذ past tense conjugation in Arabic

شحذ شحذت شحذنا شحذوا

  ∘ شحذ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يشحذ تشحذ أشحذ نشحذ يشحذون تشحذون

  ∘ شحذ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

شحذ شحذت شحذوا

  ∘ Examples of beg in Arabic and English

He was in the street begging for money.

كان يشحذ في الشارع طالباً المال.

She begged for shelter from the organization.

شحذت مأوى من المنظّمة.

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They begged food from the restaurant.

شحذوا طعام من المطعم.

  ∘ How to pronounce beg in English?

The word beg is pronounced in English as
