bathroom in Arabic

Meaning of bathroom in Arabic is: (حمّام، مرحاض) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

bathroom in Arabic

Arabic for bathroom

1) bathroom-noun


  ∘ bathroom meaning in Arabic & English

a room in which there is a bath, a washbasin and often a toilet

الحمّام هو الغرفة التي يوجد بها حمّام و مستلزمات الحمّام

  ∘ Examples of bathroom in Arabic and English

They have two bathrooms in their house.

لديّهم حماميّن في منزلهم.

We perform the ablution in the bathroom.

نقوم بالوضوء في الحمّام.

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Go and wash you hands and face in the bathroom.

اذهب و اغسل يديّك و وجهك في الحمّام.

  ∘ How to pronounce bathroom in English?

The word bathroom is pronounced in English as

2) bathroom-noun


  ∘ bathroom meaning in Arabic & English

a room in which there is a toilet, a sink and sometimes a bath or shower

المرحاض هو بيت الخلاء و مكان الاغتسال

  ∘ Plural of مرحاض in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bathroom in Arabic and English

They stopped for a bathroom break.

توقفوا استراحة من أجل الدخول إلى المرحاض.

She asked if she could use the bathroom.

اسأذنت إذا كان بإمكانها استخدام المرحاض.

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John asked the waiter where the bathroom was.

سأل جون النادل في المطعم أين يمكنه إيجاد المرحاض.

  ∘ How to pronounce bathroom in English?

The word bathroom is pronounced in English as

Arabic for bathroom

1) bathroom-noun


  ∘ bathroom meaning in Arabic & English

a room in which there is a bath, a washbasin and often a toilet

الحمّام هو الغرفة التي يوجد بها حمّام و مستلزمات الحمّام

  ∘ Examples of bathroom in Arabic and English

They have two bathrooms in their house.

لديّهم حماميّن في منزلهم.

We perform the ablution in the bathroom.

نقوم بالوضوء في الحمّام.

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Go and wash you hands and face in the bathroom.

اذهب و اغسل يديّك و وجهك في الحمّام.

  ∘ How to pronounce bathroom in English?

The word bathroom is pronounced in English as

2) bathroom-noun


  ∘ bathroom meaning in Arabic & English

a room in which there is a toilet, a sink and sometimes a bath or shower

المرحاض هو بيت الخلاء و مكان الاغتسال

  ∘ Plural of مرحاض in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bathroom in Arabic and English

They stopped for a bathroom break.

توقفوا استراحة من أجل الدخول إلى المرحاض.

She asked if she could use the bathroom.

اسأذنت إذا كان بإمكانها استخدام المرحاض.

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John asked the waiter where the bathroom was.

سأل جون النادل في المطعم أين يمكنه إيجاد المرحاض.

  ∘ How to pronounce bathroom in English?

The word bathroom is pronounced in English as
