astonishing in Arabic

Meaning of astonishing in Arabic is: (مُدْهِش، مُذْهِل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

astonishing in Arabic

Arabic for astonishing

1) astonishing-adj


  ∘ astonishing meaning in Arabic & English

Something that is astonishing is very surprising.

  ∘ Plural of مدهش in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of astonishing in Arabic and English

His ability to memorize is astonishing

قدرته على الحفظ مدهشة

The band performs astonishing magic show

تؤدّي الفرقة عروض خفّة مدهشة

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It's astonishing to win the Nobel Prize

من المدهش فوزك بجائزة نوبل

2) astonishing-adj


  ∘ astonishing meaning in Arabic & English

Something that is astonishing is very surprising.

  ∘ Plural of مذهل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of astonishing in Arabic and English

His ability to memorize is astonishing

قدرته على الحفظ مذهلة

The band performs astonishing magic show

تؤدّي الفرقة عروض خفّة مذهلة

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It's astonishing to win the Nobel Prize

من المذهل فوزك بجائزة نوبل

Arabic for astonishing

1) astonishing-adj


  ∘ astonishing meaning in Arabic & English

Something that is astonishing is very surprising.

  ∘ Plural of مُدْهِش in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of astonishing in Arabic and English

His ability to memorize is astonishing

قُدْرَتُهُ عَلَىْ الحِفْظِ مُدْهِشَةٌ

The band performs astonishing magic show

تُؤَدِّيْ الفِرْقَةُ عُرُوْضَ خِفَّةٍ مُدْهِشَةٌ

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It's astonishing to win the Nobel Prize

مِنَ المُدْهِشِ فَوْزُكَ بِجَائِزَةِ نُوْبِلَ

2) astonishing-adj


  ∘ astonishing meaning in Arabic & English

Something that is astonishing is very surprising.

  ∘ Plural of مُذْهِل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of astonishing in Arabic and English

His ability to memorize is astonishing

قُدْرَتُهُ عَلَىْ الحِفْظِ مُذْهِلَةٌ

The band performs astonishing magic show

تُؤَدِّيْ الفِرْقَةُ عُرُوْضَ خِفَّةٍ مُذْهِلَةً

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It's astonishing to win the Nobel Prize

مِنَ المُذْهِلِ فَوْزُكَ بِجَائِزَةِ نُوْبِلَ
