ash in Arabic

Meaning of ash in Arabic is: (شَجَرَةُ الْدَرَارِ.، الرَّمادُ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ash in Arabic

Arabic for ash

1) ash-noun

شجرة الدرار. -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

a forest tree with grey bark

  ∘ Plural of شجرة الدرار. in Arabic

شجر الدرار

  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

The garden is filled with ashes.

الحديقة مليئة بشجر الدرار.

2) ash-noun

الرّماد -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

the grey or black powder that is left after something, especially tobacco, wood or coal, has burnt

  ∘ Plural of الرّماد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

He recklessly flicked the cigarette ash on the carpet.

نفض بتهور رماد السيجارة على السجادة.

The crater spewed a cloud of volcanic ash.

أطلقت الفوهة سحابة من الرماد البركانيّ.


الرّماد -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

what is left after something has been destroyed by burning

  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

The accident turned his dream to become a dancer into ashes.

حول الحادث حلمه في أن يصبح راقصا إلى رماد.

The airstrike made the power plant into ashes.

حولت الغارة الجوية محطة الطاقة إلى رماد.

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الرّماد -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

the powder that is left after a dead person’s body has been cremated (= burned)

  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

He wants his ashes to be preserved in a safe.

يريد لرماده أن يحفظ في خزنة.

Arabic for ash

1) ash-noun

شَجَرَةُ الْدَرَارِ. -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

a forest tree with grey bark

  ∘ Plural of شَجَرَةُ الْدَرَارِ. in Arabic

شَجَرُِ الْدَرَارِ

  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

The garden is filled with ashes.

الَحَدِيْقَةُ مَلِيْئَةٌ بِشَجَرِ الْدَرَارِ.

2) ash-noun

الرَّمادُ -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

the grey or black powder that is left after something, especially tobacco, wood or coal, has burnt

  ∘ Plural of الرَّمادُ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

He recklessly flicked the cigarette ash on the carpet.

نَفَضَ بِتَهَوْرٍ رَمَادَ الْسِيْجَارَةِ عَلَى الْسُجَادَةِ.

The crater spewed a cloud of volcanic ash.

أَطْلَقَتِ الْفُوُهَةُ سَحَابَةً مِنَ الْرَمَادِ الْبُرْكَانِيِّ.


الرَّمادُ -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

what is left after something has been destroyed by burning

  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

The accident turned his dream to become a dancer into ashes.

حَوَلَ الْحَادِثُ حُلُمَهُ فَيْ أَنْ يُصْبِحَ رَاقِصَاً إِلَى رَمَادٍ.

The airstrike made the power plant into ashes.

حَوَلَتِ الْغَارَةُ الْجَوِيَةُ مَحَطَةَ الْطَاقَةِ إِلَى رَمَادٍ.

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الرَّمادُ -اسم

  ∘ ash meaning in Arabic & English

the powder that is left after a dead person’s body has been cremated (= burned)

  ∘ Examples of ash in Arabic and English

He wants his ashes to be preserved in a safe.

يُرِيْدُ لِرَمَادِهِ أَنْ يُحْفَظَ فِيْ خَزْنَةٍ.
