مناسب in English

Meaning of مناسب in English is: (adequate, favorable, favourable) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مناسب بالانجليزي

English for مناسب


1) adequate-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

enough in quantity or good enough in quality

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

Adequate clothes for cold climate

ملابس مناسبة للطّقس البارد

Qatar gave adequate amounts of liquid gas to Gaza strip

تبرّعت قطر بكمّيات مناسبة من الغاز لقطاع غزّة

More Examples

The place is adequate for building a resort

المكان مناسب لبناء منتجع سياحيّ

A plan that is adequate to make an economic renaissance

خطّة مناسبة لإحداث نهضة اقتصاديّة

A lack of adequate facilities for pregnant women

شحّ في التّجهيزات المناسبة للحوامل

An adequate excuse

عذر مناسب



  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need

مناسب أي ملائم و كاف في الكميّة أو الجودة أو الحاجة

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

The salaries given to employees are not adequate.

رواتب الموظفون غير مناسبة.

The money you have is adequate for your trip.

المال الذي بحوزتك مناسب لرحلتك.

More Examples

They have an adequate income to live on.

لديّهم دخل مناسب للعيّش.

The resources I have for this research are adequate.

المراجع التي لديّ مناسبة لهذا البحث.

2) favorable -adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

good for something and making it likely to be successful or have an advantage

مناسب أي ملائم ومعقول

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

The conditions were favorable to both companies

الشّروط مناسبة لكلتا الشّركتين

The weather is favorable for swimming

الطّقس مناسب للسّباحة

More Examples

The terms are favorable to investors

البنود مناسبة للمستثمرين

The currant situation is favorable for entrepreneurs

الوضع الحاليّ مناسب لروّاد الأعمال

Vietnam is favorable for your investments

فيتنام مناسبة لاستثماراتكم

If the weather was favorable, we would go fishing

لو كان الجوّ مناسبا لذهبنا إلى صيد السّمك

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

favorable is pronounced in English as

3) favourable -adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

good for something and making it likely to be successful or have an advantage

مناسب أي ملائم ومعقول

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

The conditions were favourable to both companies

الشّروط مناسبة لكلتا الشّركتين

The weather is favourable for swimming

الطّقس مناسب للسّباحة

More Examples

The terms are favourable to investors

البنود مناسبة للمستثمرين

The currant situation is favourable for entrepreneurs

الوضع الحاليّ مناسب لروّاد الأعمال

Vietnam is favourable for your investments

فيتنام مناسبة لاستثماراتكم

If the weather was favourable, we would go fishing

لو كان الجوّ مناسبا لذهبنا إلى صيد السّمك

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

favourable is pronounced in English as

4) right.-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

socially fashionable or important.

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

He knows all the right people.

إنّه يعرف كلّ الأشخاص المناسبين.

She is the right person for the job.

إنّها الشخص المناسب للوظيفة.

More Examples

They make sure that their staff gets the right training.

يتأكدون من حصول موظفيهم على التدريب المناسب.

You should pick the right schools that provide the best quality of education.

يجب عليّك اختيار المدارس المناسبة التي توفر أفضل جودة تعليمية.

5) accessible -noun


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

that can be reached by somebody who has problems walking

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

Accessible facilities for handicapped people

منشآت مناسبة لذوي الهمم

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

accessible is pronounced in English as

6) fit the bill -verb


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

to be exactly what you need

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

This house fits the bill. It's big and cheap

هذا المنزل مناسب. إنّه كبير ورخيص الثّمن

7) good -adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

suitable or convenient

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

I want a quiet good room

أريد غرفة مناسبة هادئة

Choose a good time to ask for a raise

اختر وقتا مناسبا لطلب زيادة الأجر

More Examples

A good day for going to the market

يوم مناسب للذهاب إلى السّوق

Five o'clock is good for me

الخامسة مناسبة بالنّسبة لي

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

good is pronounced in English as

8) happy -adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

suitable or appropriate

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

I do not consider them happy choices

لا أراها خيارات مناسبة

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

happy is pronounced in English as

9) appropriate-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances

مناسب أو مقبول أو صحيح للظروف الخاصة

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

This book is appropriate for children.

هذا الكتاب مناسب للأطفال.

The movie was not appropriate for the young audience.

لم يكن الفيلم مناسبا للجمهور الصغير.

More Examples

He chooses clothes that are appropriate for the occasion.

يختار ملابس التي تناسب المناسبة.

She found it hard to find an appropriate answer.

وجدت صعوبة في إيجاد إجابة مناسبة.

It's important to use an appropriate language for context.

من المهم استخدام لغة تناسب السياق.

10) proper-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

right, appropriate or correct; according to the rules

صحيح، ملائم أو صواب؛ وفقا للقواعد

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

He wore a proper suit for the job interview.

ارتدى بدلة مناسبة لمقابلة العمل.

More Examples

A proper diet is essential for good health.

النظام الغذائي المناسب ضروري لصحة جيدة.

The project was completed in the proper manner.

تم إنهاء المشروع بالطريقة المناسبة.

She found the proper tools for the repair.

وجدت الأدوات المناسبة للإصلاح.

Using the proper technique is crucial in sports.

استخدام التقنية المناسبة ضروري في الرياضة.

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

proper is pronounced in English as

11) suitable-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion

صحيح أو ملائم لغرض أو مناسبة معينة

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

This movie is suitable for all ages.

هذا الفيلم مناسب لجميع الأعمار.

The dress was suitable for the party.

كان الفستان مناسبا للحفلة.

More Examples

They were looking for a suitable place to live.

كانوا يبحثون عن مكان مناسب للعيش.

He found a suitable job quickly.

وجد وظيفة مناسبة بسرعة.

This solution is not suitable for our problem.

هذا الحل غير مناسب لمشكلتنا.

She was wearing clothes suitable for the weather.

كانت ترتدي ملابس مناسبة للطقس.

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

suitable is pronounced in English as

English for مناسب


1) adequate-adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

enough in quantity or good enough in quality

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

Adequate clothes for cold climate

مَلَابِسٌ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِلْطَّقْسِ البَارِدِ

Qatar gave adequate amounts of liquid gas to Gaza strip

تَبَرَّعَتْ قَطَرُ بِكَمِّيَاتٍ مُنَاسِبَةٍ مِنَ الغَازِ لِقِطَاعِ غَزَّةَ

More Examples

The place is adequate for building a resort

المَكَانُ مُنَاسِبٌ لِبِنَاءِ مُنْتَجَعٍ سِيَاحِيٍّ

A plan that is adequate to make an economic renaissance

خُطَّةٌ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِإِحْدَاثِ نَهْضَةٍ اقْتِصَادِيَّةٍ

A lack of adequate facilities for pregnant women

شُحٌّ فِيْ التَّجْهِيْزَاتِ المُنَاسِبَةِ لِلْحَوَامِلِ

An adequate excuse

عُذْرٌ مُنَاسِبٌ



  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need

مناسب أي ملائم و كاف في الكميّة أو الجودة أو الحاجة

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

The salaries given to employees are not adequate.

رواتب الموظفون غير مناسبة.

The money you have is adequate for your trip.

المال الذي بحوزتك مناسب لرحلتك.

More Examples

They have an adequate income to live on.

لديّهم دخل مناسب للعيّش.

The resources I have for this research are adequate.

المراجع التي لديّ مناسبة لهذا البحث.

2) favorable -adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

good for something and making it likely to be successful or have an advantage

مُنَاسِبٌ أَيْ مُلَائِمٌ وَمَعْقُوْلٌ

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

The conditions were favorable to both companies

الشُّرُوْطُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِكِلْتَا الشَّرِكَتَيْنِ

The weather is favorable for swimming

الطَّقْسُ مُنَاسِبٌ لِلسِّبَاحَةِ

More Examples

The terms are favorable to investors

البُنُوْدُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِلْمُسْتَثْمِرِيْنَ

The currant situation is favorable for entrepreneurs

الوَضْعُ الحَالِيُّ مُنَاسِبٌ لِرُوَّادِ الأَعْمَالِ

Vietnam is favorable for your investments

فِيْتْنَامُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِاسْتِثْمَارَاتِكُمْ

If the weather was favorable, we would go fishing

لَوْ كَانَ الجَوُّ مُنَاسِبًا لَذَهَبْنَا إِلَىْ صَيْدِ السَّمَكِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُنَاسِب in English?

favorable is pronounced in English as

3) favourable -adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

good for something and making it likely to be successful or have an advantage

مُنَاسِبٌ أَيْ مُلَائِمٌ وَمَعْقُوْلٌ

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

The conditions were favourable to both companies

الشُّرُوْطُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِكِلْتَا الشَّرِكَتَيْنِ

The weather is favourable for swimming

الطَّقْسُ مُنَاسِبٌ لِلسِّبَاحَةِ

More Examples

The terms are favourable to investors

البُنُوْدُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِلْمُسْتَثْمِرِيْنَ

The currant situation is favourable for entrepreneurs

الوَضْعُ الحَالِيُّ مُنَاسِبٌ لِرُوَّادِ الأَعْمَالِ

Vietnam is favourable for your investments

فِيْتْنَامُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِاسْتِثْمَارَاتِكُمْ

If the weather was favourable, we would go fishing

لَوْ كَانَ الجَوُّ مُنَاسِبًا لَذَهَبْنَا إِلَىْ صَيْدِ السَّمَكِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُنَاسِب in English?

favourable is pronounced in English as

4) right.-adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

socially fashionable or important.

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

He knows all the right people.

إِنَّهُ يَعْرِفُ كُلَّ الْأَشْخَاصِ الْمُنَاسِبِيْنَ.

She is the right person for the job.

إِنَّهَا الْشَخْصُ الْمُنَاسِبُ لِلْوَظِيْفَةِ.

More Examples

They make sure that their staff gets the right training.

يَتَأَكَدُونَ مِنْ حُصُولِ مُوَظَفِيْهِمْ عَلَى الْتَدْرِيبِ الْمُنَاسِبِ.

You should pick the right schools that provide the best quality of education.

يَجِبُ عَلَيّْكَ اِخْتِيَارُ الْمَدَارِسُ الْمُنَاسِبَةِ الَتِي تُوَفِرُ أَفْضَلَ جَوْدَةِِ تَعْلِيْمِيَةِِ.

5) accessible -noun


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

that can be reached by somebody who has problems walking

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

Accessible facilities for handicapped people

مُنْشَآتٌ مُنَاسِبَةٌ لِذَوِيْ الهِمَمِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُنَاسِب in English?

accessible is pronounced in English as

6) fit the bill -verb


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

to be exactly what you need

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

This house fits the bill. It's big and cheap

هَذَا المَنْزِلُ مُنَاسِبٌ. إِنَّهُ كَبِيْرٌ وَرَخِيْصُ الثَّمَنِ

7) good -adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

suitable or convenient

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

I want a quiet good room

أُرِيْدُ غُرْفَةً مُنَاسَبِةً هَادِئَةً

Choose a good time to ask for a raise

اخْتَرْ وَقْتًا مُنَاسِبًا لِطَلَبِ زِيَادَةِ الأَجْرَ

More Examples

A good day for going to the market

يَوْمٌ مُنَاسِبٌ لِلْذَهَابِ إِلَىْ السُّوْقِ

Five o'clock is good for me

الخَامِسَةُ مُنَاسِبَةٌ بِالنِّسْبَةِ لِيْ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُنَاسِب in English?

good is pronounced in English as

8) happy -adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

suitable or appropriate

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

I do not consider them happy choices

لَا أَرَاهَا خَيَارَاتٍ مُنَاسِبَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce مُنَاسِب in English?

happy is pronounced in English as

9) appropriate-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances

مناسب أو مقبول أو صحيح للظروف الخاصة

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

This book is appropriate for children.

هذا الكتاب مناسب للأطفال.

The movie was not appropriate for the young audience.

لم يكن الفيلم مناسبًا للجمهور الصغير.

More Examples

He chooses clothes that are appropriate for the occasion.

يختار ملابس التي تناسب المناسبة.

She found it hard to find an appropriate answer.

وجدت صعوبة في إيجاد إجابة مناسبة.

It's important to use an appropriate language for context.

من المهم استخدام لغة تناسب السياق.

10) proper-adj


  ∘ مناسب meaning in English & Arabic

right, appropriate or correct; according to the rules

صحيح، ملائم أو صواب؛ وفقًا للقواعد

  ∘ Examples of مناسب in English and Arabic

He wore a proper suit for the job interview.

ارتدى بدلة مناسبة لمقابلة العمل.

More Examples

A proper diet is essential for good health.

النظام الغذائي المناسب ضروري لصحة جيدة.

The project was completed in the proper manner.

تم إنهاء المشروع بالطريقة المناسبة.

She found the proper tools for the repair.

وجدت الأدوات المناسبة للإصلاح.

Using the proper technique is crucial in sports.

استخدام التقنية المناسبة ضروري في الرياضة.

  ∘ How to pronounce مناسب in English?

proper is pronounced in English as

11) suitable-adj


  ∘ مُنَاسِب meaning in English & Arabic

right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion

صحيح أو ملائم لغرض أو مناسبة معينة

  ∘ Examples of مُنَاسِب in English and Arabic

This movie is suitable for all ages.

هذا الفيلم مناسب لجميع الأعمار.

The dress was suitable for the party.

كان الفستان مناسبًا للحفلة.

More Examples

They were looking for a suitable place to live.

كانوا يبحثون عن مكان مناسب للعيش.

He found a suitable job quickly.

وجد وظيفة مناسبة بسرعة.

This solution is not suitable for our problem.

هذا الحل غير مناسب لمشكلتنا.

She was wearing clothes suitable for the weather.

كانت ترتدي ملابس مناسبة للطقس.

  ∘ How to pronounce مُنَاسِب in English?

suitable is pronounced in English as
