معاش in English

Meaning of معاش in English is: (pension) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

معاش بالانجليزي

English for معاش


1) pension-noun


  ∘ معاش meaning in English & Arabic

an amount of money paid regularly by a government or company to somebody who has retired from work

مبلغ من المال يدفع بانتظام من قبل حكومة أو شركة لشخص تقاعد عن العمل

  ∘ Examples of معاش in English and Arabic

My grandfather started receiving his pension last year.

بدأ جدي في تلقي معاشه العام الماضي.

The pension amount depends on the individual's previous salary.

تعتمد قيمة المعاش على الراتب السابق للفرد.

More Examples

Pensions are an important source of income for retirees.

تمثل المعاشات مصدر دخل هام للمتقاعدين.

The company announced changes to its pension scheme.

أعلنت الشركة عن تغييرات في نظام المعاشات الخاص بها.

  ∘ How to pronounce معاش in English?

pension is pronounced in English as

English for معاش


1) pension-noun


  ∘ معاش meaning in English & Arabic

an amount of money paid regularly by a government or company to somebody who has retired from work

مبلغ من المال يُدفع بانتظام من قبل حكومة أو شركة لشخص تقاعد عن العمل

  ∘ Examples of معاش in English and Arabic

My grandfather started receiving his pension last year.

بدأ جدي في تلقي معاشه العام الماضي.

The pension amount depends on the individual's previous salary.

تعتمد قيمة المعاش على الراتب السابق للفرد.

More Examples

Pensions are an important source of income for retirees.

تمثل المعاشات مصدر دخل هام للمتقاعدين.

The company announced changes to its pension scheme.

أعلنت الشركة عن تغييرات في نظام المعاشات الخاص بها.

  ∘ How to pronounce معاش in English?

pension is pronounced in English as
