English for مصحوب
1) couple with -
∘ مصحوب meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of مصحوب in English and Arabic
The kidney failure, coupled with high blood pressure, led to his death
أدّى الفشل الكلويّ مصحوبا بارتفاع ضغط الدّم, إلى وفاته
Corruption, coupled with cronyism caused the collapse of our society
سبّبت الرّشوة مصحوبة بالمحسوبيّة, إلى انهيار مجتمعنا
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English for مصحوب
1) couple with -
∘ مَصْحُوْب meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of مَصْحُوْب in English and Arabic
The kidney failure, coupled with high blood pressure, led to his death
أَدَّىْ الفَشَلُ الكَلَوِيُّ مَصْحُوْبًا بِارْتِفَاعِ ضَغْطِ الدَّمِ, إِلَىْ وَفَاتِهِ
Corruption, coupled with cronyism caused the collapse of our society
سَبَّبَتِ الرِّشْوَةُ مَصْحُوْبَةً بِالمَحْسُوْبِيَّةِ, إِلَىْ انْهِيَارِ مُجْتَمَعِنَا
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