متوفر in English

Meaning of متوفر in English is: (available) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

متوفر بالانجليزي

English for متوفر


1) available-adj


  ∘ متوفّر meaning in English & Arabic

that you can get, buy or find

متوفّر أيذ متاح

  ∘ Examples of متوفّر in English and Arabic

A new copy of the book is available in libraries.

نسخة جديدة من الكتاب متوفّرة الآن في المكاتب.

The T-shirt that you've demanded is available now in different colours.

القميص الذي طلبته متوفّر الآن بألوان مختلفة.

More Examples

What services are available in your area?

ما هي الخدمات المتوفّرة في منطقتك؟

  ∘ How to pronounce متوفّر in English?

available is pronounced in English as

English for متوفر


1) available-adj


  ∘ متوفّر meaning in English & Arabic

that you can get, buy or find

متوفّر أيذ متاح

  ∘ Examples of متوفّر in English and Arabic

A new copy of the book is available in libraries.

نسخة جديدة من الكتاب متوفّرة الآن في المكاتب.

The T-shirt that you've demanded is available now in different colours.

القميص الذي طلبته متوفّر الآن بألوان مختلفة.

More Examples

What services are available in your area?

ما هي الخدمات المتوفّرة في منطقتك؟

  ∘ How to pronounce متوفّر in English?

available is pronounced in English as
