مؤكد in English

Meaning of مؤكد in English is: (all right, certain) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مؤكد بالانجليزي

English for مؤكد


1) all right-adverb


  ∘ مؤكدا meaning in English & Arabic

used to emphasize that there is no doubt about something

مؤكدا أيّ دون شك

  ∘ Examples of مؤكدا in English and Arabic

Is she Jane? She is all right.

هل هي جين؟ هل جين مؤكدا.

Was the work finished? " It was. All right."

هل أنهي العمل؟ لقد أنهي مؤكدا.

More Examples

Are the children safe? They are all right.

هل الأطفال بأمان؟ هم بأمات مؤكدا.

Have you prepared the presentation? " I have. All right."

هل أعددت المحاضرة؟ أعددتها مؤكدا.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤكدا in English?

all right is pronounced in English as

2) certain-adj


  ∘ مؤكّد meaning in English & Arabic

that you can rely on to happen or to be true

مؤكّد أيّ موثوق به أو محتّم

  ∘ Examples of مؤكّد in English and Arabic

Their expectations about the case are certain.

توقعاتهم بخصوص القضيّة مؤكّدة.

It looks certain that he will achieve his aims.

يبدو أنه من المؤكّد سيحقق أهدافه.

More Examples

It is certain that he will never refuse the offer.

من المؤكّد أنه لن يرفض العرض.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤكّد in English?

certain is pronounced in English as

English for مؤكد


1) all right-adverb


  ∘ مؤكداً meaning in English & Arabic

used to emphasize that there is no doubt about something

مؤكداً أيّ دون شك

  ∘ Examples of مؤكداً in English and Arabic

Is she Jane? She is all right.

هل هي جين؟ هل جين مؤكداً.

Was the work finished? " It was. All right."

هل أنهي العمل؟ لقد أنهي مؤكداً.

More Examples

Are the children safe? They are all right.

هل الأطفال بأمان؟ هم بأمات مؤكداً.

Have you prepared the presentation? " I have. All right."

هل أعددت المحاضرة؟ أعددتها مؤكداً.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤكداً in English?

all right is pronounced in English as

2) certain-adj


  ∘ مؤكّد meaning in English & Arabic

that you can rely on to happen or to be true

مؤكّد أيّ موثوق به أو محتّم

  ∘ Examples of مؤكّد in English and Arabic

Their expectations about the case are certain.

توقعاتهم بخصوص القضيّة مؤكّدة.

It looks certain that he will achieve his aims.

يبدو أنه من المؤكّد سيحقق أهدافه.

More Examples

It is certain that he will never refuse the offer.

من المؤكّد أنه لن يرفض العرض.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤكّد in English?

certain is pronounced in English as
