لذا in English

Meaning of لذا in English is: (accordingly, consequently, hence) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

لذا بالانجليزي

English for لذا


1) accordingly-adverb


  ∘ لذا meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of لذا in English and Arabic

Exports plummeted by 25%. Accordingly, austerity measures were announced

انخفضت الصّادرات 25%. لذا, أعلن عن التّقشّف

The war had erupted in Syria. Accordingly, refugees poured towards Lebanon

اندلعت الحرب في سوريّا. لذا تدفّق اللّاجئون نحو لبنان

  ∘ How to pronounce لذا in English?

accordingly is pronounced in English as

2) consequently-adverb

لذا-جار ومجرور

  ∘ لذا meaning in English & Arabic

as a result; therefore

لذا: أي نتيجة لذلك, بالنّتيجة, كنتيجة أو بسبب ذلك

  ∘ Examples of لذا in English and Arabic

The US imposed sanctions on North Korea. Consequently, the value of its currency has significantly dropped

فرضت الولايات المتّحدة عقوبات على كوريا الشّماليّة. لذا انخفضت قيمة عملتها بشكل كبير

I did not get 7 in IELTS and consequently I was not offered an unconditional admission to the UCL

لم أحقّق سبعة في الآيلتس ولذا لم يعرض عليّ قبولا غير مشروط في جامعة كلّيّة لندن

More Examples

The father used to beat his sons. Consequently he was punished according to the law

اعتاد الوالد على ضرب أبنائه. لذا عوقب وفقا للقانون

  ∘ How to pronounce لذا in English?

consequently is pronounced in English as

3) hence-adverb


  ∘ لذا meaning in English & Arabic

(formal) ​for this reason

لذا أي لهذا السّبب

  ∘ Examples of لذا in English and Arabic

You have singed the contract, hence it is legally valid

لقد وقّعت العقد, لذا فإنّه صالح قانونيّا

The project lacked funding. Hence it was halted

عانى المشروع شحّ التّمويل. لذا فقد تمّ إيقافه

More Examples

His mother is British, hence he acquired the British nationality automatically

أمّه بريطانيّة, لذا حصل على الجنسيّة تلقائيّا

It is a Mercedes. Hence, it is expensive

إنّها مارسيدس. لذا فهي غالية

She murdered a person, hence she will be executed

لقد قتلت شخصا لذا ستعدم

  ∘ How to pronounce لذا in English?

hence is pronounced in English as

English for لذا


1) accordingly-adverb


  ∘ لِذَا meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of لِذَا in English and Arabic

Exports plummeted by 25%. Accordingly, austerity measures were announced

انْخَفَضَتِ الصَّادِرَاتُ 25%. لِذَا, أُعْلِنَ عَنِ التَّقَشُّفِ

The war had erupted in Syria. Accordingly, refugees poured towards Lebanon

انْدَلَعَتِ الحَرْبُ فِيْ سُوْرِيَّا. لِذَا تَدَفَّقَ اللَّاجِئُوْنَ نَحْوَ لُبْنَانَ

  ∘ How to pronounce لِذَا in English?

accordingly is pronounced in English as

2) consequently-adverb

لِذَا-جار ومجرور

  ∘ لِذَا meaning in English & Arabic

as a result; therefore

لِذَا: أَيْ نَتِيْجَةً لِذَلِكَ, بِالنَّتِيْجَةِ, كَنَتِيْجَةٍ أَوْ بِسَبَبِ ذَلِكَ

  ∘ Examples of لِذَا in English and Arabic

The US imposed sanctions on North Korea. Consequently, the value of its currency has significantly dropped

فَرَضَتِ الوِلَايَاتُ المُتَّحِدَةُ عُقُوْبَاتٍ عَلَىْ كُوْرِيَا الشَّمَالِيَّةَ. لِذَا انْخَفَضَتْ قِيْمَةُ عُمْلَتِهَا بِشَكْلٍ كَبِيْرٍ

I did not get 7 in IELTS and consequently I was not offered an unconditional admission to the UCL

لَمْ أُحَقِّقْ سَبْعَةً فِيْ الآيِلْتْسَ وَلِذَا لَمْ يُعْرَضْ عَلَيَّ قُبُوْلًا غَيْرَ مَشْرُوْطٍ فِيْ جَامِعَةِ كُلِّيَّةِ لُنْدُنَ

More Examples

The father used to beat his sons. Consequently he was punished according to the law

اعْتَادَ الوَالِدُ عَلَىْ ضَرْبِ أَبْنَائِهِ. لِذَا عُوْقِبَ وَفْقًا لِلْقَانُوْنِ

  ∘ How to pronounce لِذَا in English?

consequently is pronounced in English as

3) hence-adverb


  ∘ لِذَا meaning in English & Arabic

(formal) ​for this reason

لِذَا أَيْ لِهَذَا السَّبَبِ

  ∘ Examples of لِذَا in English and Arabic

You have singed the contract, hence it is legally valid

لَقَدْ وَقَّعْتَ العَقْدَ, لِذَا فَإِنَّهُ صَالِحٌ قَانُوْنِيًّا

The project lacked funding. Hence it was halted

عَانَىْ المَشْرُوْعُ شُحَّ التَّمْوِيْلِ. لِذَا فَقَدْ تَمَّ إِيْقَافُهُ

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His mother is British, hence he acquired the British nationality automatically

أُمُّهُ بَرِيْطَانِيَّةٌ, لِذَا حَصَلَ عَلَىْ الجِنْسِيَّةِ تِلْقَائِيًّا

It is a Mercedes. Hence, it is expensive

إِنَّهَا مَارْسِيْدِسْ. لِذَا فَهِيَ غَالِيَةٌ

She murdered a person, hence she will be executed

لَقَدْ قَتَلَتْ شَخْصًا لِذَا سَتُعْدَمُ

  ∘ How to pronounce لِذَا in English?

hence is pronounced in English as
