لافت in English

Meaning of لافت in English is: (remarkable) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

لافت بالانجليزي

English for لافت


1) remarkable-adj


  ∘ لافت meaning in English & Arabic

unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

لافت أي مثير للإعجاب أو مستحقّ الذّكر

  ∘ Examples of لافت in English and Arabic

A remarkable progress of the Turkish arms industry

تطوّر لافت في صناعة الأسلحة التّركيّة

a remarkable directive from a government not normally tolerant of political dissen

توجّه لافت من حكومة لا تتساهل عادة مع المعارضة السّياسيّة

More Examples

A remarkable absence of Dubai from The World Economic Forum

غياب لافت لدبيّ عن المنتدى الاقتصاديّ العالميّ

A remarkable increase in the price of oil

زيادة لافتة في أسعار النّفط

  ∘ How to pronounce لافت in English?

remarkable is pronounced in English as

English for لافت


1) remarkable-adj


  ∘ لَافِت meaning in English & Arabic

unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

لَافِتٌ أَيْ مُثِيْرٌ لِلْإِعْجَابِ أَوْ مُسْتَحِقُّ الذِّكْرِ

  ∘ Examples of لَافِت in English and Arabic

A remarkable progress of the Turkish arms industry

تَطَوُّرٌ لَافِتٌ فِيْ صِنَاعَةِ الأَسْلِحَةِ التُّرْكِيَّةِ

a remarkable directive from a government not normally tolerant of political dissen

تَوَجُّهٌ لَافِتٌ مِنْ حُكُوْمَةٍ لَا تَتَسَاهَلُ عَادَةً مَعَ المُعَارَضَةِ السِّيَاسِيَّةِ

More Examples

A remarkable absence of Dubai from The World Economic Forum

غِيَابٌ لَافِتٌ لِدُبَيَّ عَنِ المُنْتَدَىْ الِاقْتِصَادِيِّ العَالَمِيِّ

A remarkable increase in the price of oil

زِيَادَةٌ لَافِتَةٌ فِيْ أَسْعَارِ النَّفْطِ

  ∘ How to pronounce لَافِت in English?

remarkable is pronounced in English as
