كراج in English

Meaning of كراج in English is: (garage) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

كراج بالانجليزي

English for كراج


1) garage-n


  ∘ كراج meaning in English & Arabic

a building for keeping one or more cars or other vehicles in

مبنى لتخزين سيارة أو أكثر أو مركبات أخرى

  ∘ Examples of كراج in English and Arabic

He parked his car in the garage.

ركن سيارته في الكراج.

Their house has a two-car garage.

يحتوي منزلهم على كراج لسيارتين.

More Examples

She took her car to the garage for repair.

أخذت سيارتها إلى الكراج لإصلاحها.

They converted their garage into a workshop.

حولوا كراجهم إلى ورشة عمل.

The mechanic works in a garage.

يعمل الميكانيكي في كراج.

Many houses have attached garages.

لدى العديد من المنازل كراجات ملحقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce كراج in English?

garage is pronounced in English as

English for كراج


1) garage-n


  ∘ كَرَاج meaning in English & Arabic

a building for keeping one or more cars or other vehicles in

مبنى لتخزين سيارة أو أكثر أو مركبات أخرى

  ∘ Examples of كَرَاج in English and Arabic

He parked his car in the garage.

ركن سيارته في الكراج.

Their house has a two-car garage.

يحتوي منزلهم على كراج لسيارتين.

More Examples

She took her car to the garage for repair.

أخذت سيارتها إلى الكراج لإصلاحها.

They converted their garage into a workshop.

حولوا كراجهم إلى ورشة عمل.

The mechanic works in a garage.

يعمل الميكانيكي في كراج.

Many houses have attached garages.

لدى العديد من المنازل كراجات ملحقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce كَرَاج in English?

garage is pronounced in English as
