فطن in English

Meaning of فطن in English is: (bright) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

English for فطن


1) bright-adj


  ∘ فطن meaning in English & Arabic

intelligent; quick to learn

فطن أيّ ماهر و حاذق و ذكي يمكنه التعلّم بسرعة

  ∘ Plural of فطن in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of فطن in English and Arabic

They consider her the only bright girl in the group.

يعتبرونها الفتاة الفطنة الوحيدة في المجموعة.

Teachers like Ahmad because he is a bright boy.

يحب المعلمون أحمد لأنه ولد فطن.

More Examples

The project is successful because the engineers who are setting it up are bright.

المشروع ناجح لأن كل المهندسين الذين ينشؤنه فطن.

  ∘ How to pronounce فطن in English?

bright is pronounced in English as

English for فطن


1) bright-adj


  ∘ فطن meaning in English & Arabic

intelligent; quick to learn

فطن أيّ ماهر و حاذق و ذكي يمكنه التعلّم بسرعة

  ∘ Plural of فطن in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of فطن in English and Arabic

They consider her the only bright girl in the group.

يعتبرونها الفتاة الفطنة الوحيدة في المجموعة.

Teachers like Ahmad because he is a bright boy.

يحب المعلمون أحمد لأنه ولد فطن.

More Examples

The project is successful because the engineers who are setting it up are bright.

المشروع ناجح لأن كل المهندسين الذين ينشؤنه فُطن.

  ∘ How to pronounce فطن in English?

bright is pronounced in English as
