غامض in English

Meaning of غامض in English is: (mysterious, vague) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

غامض بالانجليزي

English for غامض


1) mysterious-adj


  ∘ غامض meaning in English & Arabic

difficult to understand or explain; strange

صعب الفهم أو الشرح؛ غريب

  ∘ Examples of غامض in English and Arabic

The plot of the novel is exciting and mysterious.

حبكة الرواية مثيرة وغامضة.

She received a mysterious message that puzzled her.

تلقت رسالة غامضة احتارت بشأنها.

More Examples

The fog created a mysterious atmosphere in the town.

خلق الضباب أجواء غامضة في البلدة.

His sudden disappearance was mysterious.

كان اختفاؤه المفاجئ غامضا.

She has a mysterious past that no one knows about.

لديها ماض غامض لا يعرفه أحد.

  ∘ How to pronounce غامض in English?

mysterious is pronounced in English as

2) vague-adj


  ∘ غامض meaning in English & Arabic

vague (about something) not having or giving enough information or details about something

غامض أي غير واضح لأنّ المعلومات المتوفّرة عنه غير كافية

  ∘ How to pronounce غامض in English?

vague is pronounced in English as

English for غامض


1) mysterious-adj


  ∘ غامض meaning in English & Arabic

difficult to understand or explain; strange

صعب الفهم أو الشرح؛ غريب

  ∘ Examples of غامض in English and Arabic

The plot of the novel is exciting and mysterious.

حبكة الرواية مثيرة وغامضة.

She received a mysterious message that puzzled her.

تلقت رسالة غامضة احتارت بشأنها.

More Examples

The fog created a mysterious atmosphere in the town.

خلق الضباب أجواء غامضة في البلدة.

His sudden disappearance was mysterious.

كان اختفاؤه المفاجئ غامضًا.

She has a mysterious past that no one knows about.

لديها ماضٍ غامض لا يعرفه أحد.

  ∘ How to pronounce غامض in English?

mysterious is pronounced in English as

2) vague-adj


  ∘ غَامِض meaning in English & Arabic

vague (about something) not having or giving enough information or details about something

غَامِضٌ أَيْ غَيْرُ وَاضِحٍ لِأَنَّ المَعْلُوْمَاتِ المُتَوَفِّرَةَ عَنْهُ غَيْرُ كَافِيَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce غَامِض in English?

vague is pronounced in English as
