زلزال in English

Meaning of زلزال in English is: (earthquake) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

زلزال بالانجليزي

English for زلزال


1) earthquake-noun


  ∘ زلزال meaning in English & Arabic

a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface

اهتزاز مفاجئ وعنيف لسطح الأرض

  ∘ Examples of زلزال in English and Arabic

The earthquake caused major damage to the city.

تسبب الزلزال في أضرار كبيرة للمدينة.

People felt the earthquake from miles away.

شعر الناس بالزلزال من على بعد أميال.

More Examples

Seismologists study earthquakes to understand their causes.

يدرس علماء الزلازل الزلازل لفهم أسبابها.

During the earthquake, residents were advised to take cover.

نصح السكان خلال الزلزال بأخذ الحذر.

Earthquakes trigger tsunamis in coastal areas.

تتسبب الزلازل في حدوث تسونامي في المناطق الساحلية.

Buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes.

تصمم المباني لتتحمل الزلازل.

  ∘ How to pronounce زلزال in English?

earthquake is pronounced in English as

English for زلزال


1) earthquake-noun


  ∘ زلزال meaning in English & Arabic

a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface

اهتزاز مفاجئ وعنيف لسطح الأرض

  ∘ Examples of زلزال in English and Arabic

The earthquake caused major damage to the city.

تسبب الزلزال في أضرار كبيرة للمدينة.

People felt the earthquake from miles away.

شعر الناس بالزلزال من على بعد أميال.

More Examples

Seismologists study earthquakes to understand their causes.

يدرس علماء الزلازل الزلازل لفهم أسبابها.

During the earthquake, residents were advised to take cover.

نُصح السكان خلال الزلزال بأخذ الحذر.

Earthquakes trigger tsunamis in coastal areas.

تتسبب الزلازل في حدوث تسونامي في المناطق الساحلية.

Buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes.

تُصمم المباني لتتحمل الزلازل.

  ∘ How to pronounce زلزال in English?

earthquake is pronounced in English as
