English for رأسمالية
1) capitalism -noun
∘ رأسماليّة meaning in English & Arabic
an economic, political, and social system in which property, business, and industry are privately owned, directed towards making the greatest possible profits for successful organizations and people
الرّأسماليّة: هي نظام اقتصاديّ سياسيّ اجتماعيّ يمتلك فيه القطاع الخاصّ الأعمال والممتلكات والمؤسّسات ممّا يقود إلى تحقيق أكبر ربح اقتصاديّ ممكن للأفراد والمؤسّسات والجماعات
∘ Plural of رأسماليّة in Arabic
∘ Examples of رأسماليّة in English and Arabic
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English for رأسمالية
1) capitalism -noun
∘ رَأْسُمَالِيَّة meaning in English & Arabic
an economic, political, and social system in which property, business, and industry are privately owned, directed towards making the greatest possible profits for successful organizations and people
الرَّأْسُمَالِيَّةُ: هِيَ نِظَامٌ اقْتِصَادِيٌّ سِيَاسِيٌّ اجْتِمَاعِيٌّ يَمْتَلِكُ فِيْهِ القِطَاعُ الخَاصُّ الأَعْمَالَ وَالمُمْتَلَكَاتِ وَالمُؤَسَّسَاتِ مِمَّا يَقُوْدُ إِلَىْ تََحْقِيْقِ أَكْبَرِ رِبْحٍ اقْتِصَادِيٍّ مُمْكِنٍ لِلْأَفْرَادِ وَالمُؤَسَّسَاتِ وَالجَمَاعَاتِ
∘ Plural of رَأْسُمَالِيَّة in Arabic
∘ Examples of رَأْسُمَالِيَّة in English and Arabic
Our nation is fighting against the West capitalism
تُحَارِبُ أُمَّتُنَا الرَّأْسَمَالِيَّاتِ الغَرْبِيَّةَ
The fall of capitalism is just a matter of time
انْهِيَارُ الرَّأْسُمَالِيَّةُ مَسْأَلَةُ وَقْتٍ فَقَطَ
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