دعاء in English

Meaning of دعاء in English is: (prayer) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

دعاء بالانجليزي

English for دعاء


1) prayer-noun


  ∘ دعاء meaning in English & Arabic

words that you say to God giving thanks or asking for help

كلمات تقال لله تعبيرا عن الشكر أو طلبا للعون

  ∘ Examples of دعاء in English and Arabic

He said a prayer before eating.

قال دعاء قبل الأكل.

Say this prayer 10 times a day.

قل هذا الدعاء عشر مرات في اليوم.

More Examples

They offered prayers of thanks.

دعوا بدعاء الشكر.

  ∘ How to pronounce دعاء in English?

prayer is pronounced in English as

English for دعاء


1) prayer-noun


  ∘ دعاء meaning in English & Arabic

words that you say to God giving thanks or asking for help

كلمات تُقال لله تعبيرًا عن الشكر أو طلبًا للعون

  ∘ Examples of دعاء in English and Arabic

He said a prayer before eating.

قال دعاء قبل الأكل.

Say this prayer 10 times a day.

قل هذا الدعاء عشر مرات في اليوم.

More Examples

They offered prayers of thanks.

دعوا بدعاء الشكر.

  ∘ How to pronounce دعاء in English?

prayer is pronounced in English as
