خشبي in English

Meaning of خشبي in English is: (wooden) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

خشبي بالانجليزي

English for خشبي


1) wooden-adj


  ∘ خشبي meaning in English & Arabic

made of wood

مصنوع من الخشب

  ∘ Examples of خشبي in English and Arabic

She bought a wooden table.

اشترت طاولة خشبية.

They live in a wooden house.

يعيشون في منزل خشبي.

More Examples

He carved a wooden spoon.

نحت ملعقة خشبية.

The old bridge was made entirely of wooden beams.

تم صنع الجسر القديم بالكامل من العوارض الخشبية.

She collects wooden toys.

تجمع الألعاب الخشبية.

The artist uses wooden frames for his paintings.

يستخدم الفنان إطارات خشبية للوحاته.

  ∘ How to pronounce خشبي in English?

wooden is pronounced in English as

English for خشبي


1) wooden-adj


  ∘ خشبي meaning in English & Arabic

made of wood

مصنوع من الخشب

  ∘ Examples of خشبي in English and Arabic

She bought a wooden table.

اشترت طاولة خشبية.

They live in a wooden house.

يعيشون في منزل خشبي.

More Examples

He carved a wooden spoon.

نحت ملعقة خشبية.

The old bridge was made entirely of wooden beams.

تم صنع الجسر القديم بالكامل من العوارض الخشبية.

She collects wooden toys.

تجمع الألعاب الخشبية.

The artist uses wooden frames for his paintings.

يستخدم الفنان إطارات خشبية للوحاته.

  ∘ How to pronounce خشبي in English?

wooden is pronounced in English as
