خاطف in English

Meaning of خاطف in English is: (brief) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

خاطف بالانجليزي

English for خاطف


1) brief-adj


  ∘ خاطف meaning in English & Arabic

lasting only a short time; short

خاطف أيّ موجز و قصير و لا يحتاج لوقت طويل

  ∘ Examples of خاطف in English and Arabic

He made a brief appearance on TV screen.

قام بظهور خاطف على شاشة التلفاز.

The minister made a brief visit to the school.

قام الوزير بزيارة خاطفة للمدرّسة.

More Examples

They had a brief meeting because the manager had a call and left.

كان اجتماع خاطف بسبب أن المدير تلقى اتصالا و غادر.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاطف in English?

brief is pronounced in English as

English for خاطف


1) brief-adj


  ∘ خاطف meaning in English & Arabic

lasting only a short time; short

خاطف أيّ موجز و قصير و لا يحتاج لوقت طويل

  ∘ Examples of خاطف in English and Arabic

He made a brief appearance on TV screen.

قام بظهور خاطف على شاشة التلفاز.

The minister made a brief visit to the school.

قام الوزير بزيارة خاطفة للمدرّسة.

More Examples

They had a brief meeting because the manager had a call and left.

كان اجتماع خاطف بسبب أن المدير تلقى اتصالاً و غادر.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاطف in English?

brief is pronounced in English as
