جبل in English

Meaning of جبل in English is: (mountain) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

جبل بالانجليزي

English for جبل


1) mountain-noun


  ∘ جبل meaning in English & Arabic

a very high hill, often with rocks near the top

تلة عالية جدا، غالبا ما يكون بها صخور بالقرب من القمة

  ∘ Examples of جبل in English and Arabic

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

جبل إيفرست هو أعلى جبل في العالم.

He loves mountain climbing.

يحب تسلق الجبال.

More Examples

The mountain has a snow-capped peak.

للجبل قمة مغطاة بالثلوج.

They hiked around the mountain.

ساروا حول الجبل.

The mountains are beautiful at sunrise.

الجبال جميلة عند شروق الشمس.

There are many mountains in Switzerland.

هناك العديد من الجبال في سويسرا.

  ∘ How to pronounce جبل in English?

mountain is pronounced in English as

English for جبل


1) mountain-noun


  ∘ جبل meaning in English & Arabic

a very high hill, often with rocks near the top

تلة عالية جدًا، غالبًا ما يكون بها صخور بالقرب من القمة

  ∘ Examples of جبل in English and Arabic

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

جبل إيفرست هو أعلى جبل في العالم.

He loves mountain climbing.

يحب تسلق الجبال.

More Examples

The mountain has a snow-capped peak.

للجبل قمة مغطاة بالثلوج.

They hiked around the mountain.

ساروا حول الجبل.

The mountains are beautiful at sunrise.

الجبال جميلة عند شروق الشمس.

There are many mountains in Switzerland.

هناك العديد من الجبال في سويسرا.

  ∘ How to pronounce جبل in English?

mountain is pronounced in English as
