English for جاذبية
1) appealing-noun
جاذبيّة -اسم
∘ جاذبيّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جاذبيّة in English and Arabic
The fringe benefits made the offer more appealing to him.
جعلت المزايّا الإضافيّة العرض أكثر جاذبيّة له.
2) attraction-noun
∘ جاذبيّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جاذبيّة in English and Arabic
I cannot understand the attraction of shopping
لا يمكنني فهم جاذبيّة الخروج للتّسوّق
∘ How to pronounce جاذبيّة in English?
attraction is pronounced in English as
∘ جاذبيّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جاذبيّة in English and Arabic
3) charm -noun
جاذبيّة -اسم
∘ جاذبيّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جاذبيّة in English and Arabic
She uses her charm to manipulate people.
تستخدم جاذبيّتها للتلاعب بالناس.
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce جاذبيّة in English?
charm is pronounced in English as
English for جاذبية
1) appealing-noun
جَاذِبيَّة -اسم
∘ جَاذِبيَّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جَاذِبيَّة in English and Arabic
The fringe benefits made the offer more appealing to him.
جَعَلَتِ الْمَزَايَّا الْإِضَافِيَّةِ الْعَرْضَ أَكْثَرَ جَاذِبِيَّةً لَهُ.
2) attraction-noun
∘ جَاذِبِيَّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جَاذِبِيَّة in English and Arabic
I cannot understand the attraction of shopping
لَا يُمْكِنُنِيْ فَهْمُ جَاذِبِيَّةِ الخُرُوْجِ لِلْتَّسَوُّقِ
∘ How to pronounce جَاذِبِيَّة in English?
attraction is pronounced in English as
∘ جَاذِبِيَّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جَاذِبِيَّة in English and Arabic
What is the definition of the magnetic attraction
مَا تَعْرِيْفُ الجَاذِبِيَّةِ المِغْنَاطِيْسِيَّةَ؟
3) charm -noun
جاذِبِيّة -اسم
∘ جاذِبِيّة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of جاذِبِيّة in English and Arabic
She uses her charm to manipulate people.
تَسْتَخْدِمُ جَاذِبِيَّتَهَا لِلْتَلَاعُبِ بِالْنَاسِ.
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce جاذِبِيّة in English?
charm is pronounced in English as