اعتماد in English

Meaning of اعتماد in English is: (dependence) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

اعتماد بالانجليزي

English for اعتماد


1) dependence-noun


  ∘ اعتماد meaning in English & Arabic

the state of needing the help and support of somebody/something in order to survive or be successful

الاعتماد هو الاتّكال على الغير من أجل الوصول إلى غاية ما

  ∘ Examples of اعتماد in English and Arabic

His dependence on his grandfather had sparked his father's anger

أثار اعتماده على جدّه غضب والده

We should reduce the dependence on Chinese products

علينا التّخفيف من الاعتماد على البضائع الصّينيّة

More Examples

The dependence of Syria on imported drugs and medicines

اعتماد سوريّا على العقارات والأدوية المستوردة

Our dependence on exporting oil makes our economy fragile

يجعل اعتمادنا على تصدير النّفط اقتصادنا هشّا

The dependence on coal as the main source of energy

الاعتماد على الفحم كمصدر رئيسيّ للطّاقة

English for اعتماد


1) dependence-noun


  ∘ اعْتِمَاد meaning in English & Arabic

the state of needing the help and support of somebody/something in order to survive or be successful

الِاعْتِمَادُ هُوَ الِاتِّكَالُ عَلَىْ الغَيْرِ مِنْ أَجْلِ الوُصُوْلِ إِلَىْ غَايَةٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of اعْتِمَاد in English and Arabic

His dependence on his grandfather had sparked his father's anger

أَثَارَ اعْتِمَادُهُ عَلَىْ جَدِّهِ غَضَبَ وَالِدِهِ

We should reduce the dependence on Chinese products

عَلَيْنَا التَّخْفِيْفُ مِنَ الِاعْتِمَادِ عَلَىْ البَضَائِعِ الصِّيْنِيَّةَ

More Examples

The dependence of Syria on imported drugs and medicines

اعْتِمَادُ سُوْرِيَّا عَلَىْ العَقَارَاتِ وَالأَدْوِيَةِ المُسْتَوْرَدَةِ

Our dependence on exporting oil makes our economy fragile

يَجْعَلُ اعْتِمَادُنَا عَلَىْ تَصْدِيْرِ النِّفْطِ اقْتِصَادَنَا هَشَّا

The dependence on coal as the main source of energy

الِاعْتِمَادُ عَلَىْ الفَحْمِ كَمَصْدَرٍ رَئِيْسِيٍّ لِلطَّاقَةِ
