احتفى in English

Meaning of احتفى in English is: (celebrate) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

احتفى بالانجليزي

English for احتفى


1) celebrate-verb


  ∘ احتفى meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive, transitive] to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it

احتفى بمناسبة ما أو شخص ما أو حدث ما أيّ احتفل به و خصّه بعناية و أظهر الفرح

Click to show conjugation of احتفى

  ∘ احتفى past tense conjugation in Arabic

احتفى احتفت احتفيّنا احتفوا

  ∘ احتفى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يحتفي تحتفي أحتفي نحتفي يحتفون تحتفون

  ∘ احتفى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احتفي احتفوا

  ∘ Examples of احتفى in English and Arabic

We will celebrate Ramadan soon.

سوف نحتفي برمضان قريبا.

They always celebrate their wedding day.

يحتفوا بيوم زفافهم دائما.

More Examples

He celebrated his friend's return.

احتفى بعودة صديقه.

  ∘ How to pronounce احتفى in English?

celebrate is pronounced in English as

English for احتفى


1) celebrate-verb


  ∘ احتفى meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive, transitive] to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it

احتفى بمناسبة ما أو شخص ما أو حدث ما أيّ احتفل به و خصّه بعناية و أظهر الفرح

Click to show conjugation of احتفى

  ∘ احتفى past tense conjugation in Arabic

احتفى احتفت احتفيّنا احتفوا

  ∘ احتفى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يحتفي تحتفي أحتفي نحتفي يحتفون تحتفون

  ∘ احتفى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احتفي احتفوا

  ∘ Examples of احتفى in English and Arabic

We will celebrate Ramadan soon.

سوف نحتفي برمضان قريباً.

They always celebrate their wedding day.

يحتفوا بيوم زفافهم دائماً.

More Examples

He celebrated his friend's return.

احتفى بعودة صديقه.

  ∘ How to pronounce احتفى in English?

celebrate is pronounced in English as
