أسبوع in English

Meaning of أسبوع in English is: (week) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

أسبوع بالانجليزي

English for أسبوع


1) week-noun


  ∘ أسبوع meaning in English & Arabic

A period of seven days, In Britain measured from Monday to Sunday, In the USA from Sunday to Monday and In the Arab world from Friday to Thursday

  ∘ Plural of أسبوع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أسبوع in English and Arabic

I go to the gym twice or three times a week

أذهب إلى النّادي الرّياضيّ مرّتين أو ثلاثا في الأسبوع

I won't come to class this week

لن آتي إلى الدّرس هذا الأسبوع

More Examples

I trained her last week

درّبتها الأسبوع الماضي

A day of the week

يوم من الأسبوع

  ∘ How to pronounce أسبوع in English?

week is pronounced in English as



  ∘ أسبوع meaning in English & Arabic

Any period of seven days

  ∘ Examples of أسبوع in English and Arabic

We were in Spain for a weeks

كنّا في إسبانيا لأسبوع

We got stuck in the airport for eight weeks

علقنا في المطار لثمانية أسابيع

More Examples

I fought with him a week ago today

تشاجرت معه منذ أسبوع مضى

A two-week vacation

عطلة لأسبوعين

I work as a waitress in a restaurant and made $100 per week

أعمل كنادلة في مطعم وأجري $100 في الأسبوع

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  ∘ أسبوع meaning in English & Arabic

The five or six days of the week when you go to work, school, etc

  ∘ Examples of أسبوع in English and Arabic

I live in the dorm campus the week and go to my village on Friday and Saturday

أعيش في السّكن الجامعيّ خلال الأسبوع وأذهب إلى قريتي يومي الجمعة والسّبت

I cannot see you in the week as I am busy with work

لا يمكنني رؤيتك خلال الأسبوع فأنا مشغول بالعمل



  ∘ أسبوع meaning in English & Arabic

The part of the week when you got to work

  ∘ Examples of أسبوع in English and Arabic

I work a 40-hour week

أعمل 40 ساعة عمل في الأسبوع

Your request will be processed within 5 working weeks

سيعالج طلبك خلال 5 أسابيع عمل



  ∘ أسبوع meaning in English & Arabic

Continuously for many weeks

  ∘ Examples of أسبوع in English and Arabic

Crime rate increases week after week/ week in week out

يزداد معدّل الجريمة أسبوعا بعد أسبوع/ بمرور الأسابيع

English for أسبوع


1) week-noun


  ∘ أُسْبُوْع meaning in English & Arabic

A period of seven days, In Britain measured from Monday to Sunday, In the USA from Sunday to Monday and In the Arab world from Friday to Thursday

  ∘ Plural of أُسْبُوْع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أُسْبُوْع in English and Arabic

I go to the gym twice or three times a week

أَذْهَبُ إِلَىْ النَّادِيْ الرِّيَاضِيِّ مَرَّتَيْنِ أَوْ ثَلَاثًا فِيْ الأُسْبُوْعِ

I won't come to class this week

لَنْ آتِيْ إِلَىْ الدَّرْسِ هَذَا الأُسْبُوْعَ

More Examples

I trained her last week

دَرَّبْتُهَا الأُسْبُوْعَ المَاضِيَ

A day of the week

يَوْمٌ مِنَ الأُسْبُوْعِ

  ∘ How to pronounce أُسْبُوْع in English?

week is pronounced in English as



  ∘ أُسْبُوْع meaning in English & Arabic

Any period of seven days

  ∘ Examples of أُسْبُوْع in English and Arabic

We were in Spain for a weeks

كُنَّا فِيْ إِسْبَانْيَا لِأُسْبُوْعٍ

We got stuck in the airport for eight weeks

عَلِقْنَا فِيْ المَطَارِ لِثَمَانِيَةِ أَسَابِيْعٍ

More Examples

I fought with him a week ago today

تَشَاجَرْتُ مَعَهُ مُنْذُ أُسْبُوْعٍ مَضَىْ

A two-week vacation

عُطْلَةٌ لِأُسْبُوْعَيْنِ

I work as a waitress in a restaurant and made $100 per week

أَعْمَلُ كَنَادِلَةٍ فِيْ مَطْعَمٍ وَأَجْرِيْ $100 فِيْ الأُسْبُوْعِ

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  ∘ أُسْبُوْع meaning in English & Arabic

The five or six days of the week when you go to work, school, etc

  ∘ Examples of أُسْبُوْع in English and Arabic

I live in the dorm campus the week and go to my village on Friday and Saturday

أَعِيْشُ فِيْ السَّكَنِ الجَامِعِيِّ خِلَالَ الأُسْبُوْعِ وَأَذْهَبُ إِلَىْ قَرْيَتِيْ يَوْمَيِ الجُمُعَةِ وَالسَّبْتِ

I cannot see you in the week as I am busy with work

لَاْ يُمْكِنُنُيِ رُؤْيَتُكِ خِلَالَ الأُسْبُوْعِ فَأَنَا مَشْغُوْلٌ بِالعَمَلِ



  ∘ أُسْبُوْع meaning in English & Arabic

The part of the week when you got to work

  ∘ Examples of أُسْبُوْع in English and Arabic

I work a 40-hour week

أَعْمَلُ 40 سَاعَةَ عَمَلٍ في الأُسْبُوْعِ

Your request will be processed within 5 working weeks

سَيُعَالَجُ طَلَبُكَ خِلَالَ 5 أَسَابِيْعِ عَمَلٍ



  ∘ أُسْبُوْع meaning in English & Arabic

Continuously for many weeks

  ∘ Examples of أُسْبُوْع in English and Arabic

Crime rate increases week after week/ week in week out

يَزْدَادُ مُعَدَّلُ الجَرِيْمَةِ أُسْبُوْعًا بَعْدَ أُسْبُوْعٍ/ بِمُرُوْرِ الأَسَابِيْعِ
