إلى in English

Meaning of إلى in English is: (around, in, on) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

إلى بالانجليزي

English for إلى


1) around-preposition

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

on, to, or from the other side of someone or something

إلى أيّ باتجاه

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

Muslims go around the mosque to pray.

يذهب المسلمون إلى الجامع ليصلّوا.

He headed directly around his office.

اتجه مباشرة إلى مكنبه.

More Examples

She drove the car around the square.

قادت سيّارتها ألى الساحة.

2) in -preposition

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

used to say how many parts something is divided into

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

I broke the pen in halves

كسرت القلم إلى نصفين

I divided the students in five groups

قسّمت الطّلّاب إلى خمس مجموعات

3) on-preposition

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

used to show directions

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

He turned his face on us

أدار وجهه إلينا

There is a fabric store on your left

إلى يسارك متجر قماش

  ∘ How to pronounce إلى in English?

on is pronounced in English as

4) to-prep

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

in the direction of something; towards something.

في اتجاه شيء ما؛ نحو شيء ما.

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

He walked to the store.

مشى إلى المتجر.

She is going to the park.

ستذهب إلى الحديقة.

More Examples

They moved to a new city.

انتقلوا إلى مدينة جديدة.

He sent a letter to his friend.

أرسل رسالة إلى صديقه.

I listened to the music.

استمعت إلى الموسيقى.

We are traveling to Italy next month.

سنسافر إلى إيطاليا الشهر المقبل.

5) into-prep

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

to a position in or inside something

إلى وضع في داخل شيء أو بداخله

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

She walked into the room.

دخلت إلى الغرفة.

More Examples

They went into the house.

ذهبوا إلى البيت.

He translated the document into Arabic.

ترجم المستند إلى العربية.

They turned into the driveway.

اتجهوا إلى الممر.

Fold the letter into three parts.

اطو الرسالة إلى ثلاثة أجزاء.

  ∘ How to pronounce إلى in English?

into is pronounced in English as

English for إلى


1) around-preposition

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

on, to, or from the other side of someone or something

إلى أيّ باتجاه

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

Muslims go around the mosque to pray.

يذهب المسلمون إلى الجامع ليصلّوا.

He headed directly around his office.

اتجه مباشرةً إلى مكنبه.

More Examples

She drove the car around the square.

قادت سيّارتها ألى الساحة.

2) in -preposition

إِلَىْ-حرف جر

  ∘ إِلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

used to say how many parts something is divided into

  ∘ Examples of إِلَىْ in English and Arabic

I broke the pen in halves

كَسَرْتُ القَلَمَ إِلَىْ نِصْفَيْنِ

I divided the students in five groups

قَسَّمْتُ الطُّلَّابَ إِلَىْ خَمْسِ مَجْمُوْعَاتٍ

3) on-preposition

إِلَىْ-حرف جر

  ∘ إِلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

used to show directions

  ∘ Examples of إِلَىْ in English and Arabic

He turned his face on us

أَدَارَ وَجْهَهُ إِلَيْنَا

There is a fabric store on your left

إِلَىْ يَسَارِكِ مَتْجَرُ قُمَاشٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce إِلَىْ in English?

on is pronounced in English as

4) to-prep

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ إلى meaning in English & Arabic

in the direction of something; towards something.

في اتجاه شيء ما؛ نحو شيء ما.

  ∘ Examples of إلى in English and Arabic

He walked to the store.

مشى إلى المتجر.

She is going to the park.

ستذهب إلى الحديقة.

More Examples

They moved to a new city.

انتقلوا إلى مدينة جديدة.

He sent a letter to his friend.

أرسل رسالة إلى صديقه.

I listened to the music.

استمعت إلى الموسيقى.

We are traveling to Italy next month.

سنسافر إلى إيطاليا الشهر المقبل.

5) into-prep

إِلَى-حرف جر

  ∘ إِلَى meaning in English & Arabic

to a position in or inside something

إلى وضع في داخل شيء أو بداخله

  ∘ Examples of إِلَى in English and Arabic

She walked into the room.

دخلت إلى الغرفة.

More Examples

They went into the house.

ذهبوا إلى البيت.

He translated the document into Arabic.

ترجم المستند إلى العربية.

They turned into the driveway.

اتجهوا إلى الممر.

Fold the letter into three parts.

اطوِ الرسالة إلى ثلاثة أجزاء.

  ∘ How to pronounce إِلَى in English?

into is pronounced in English as
