whisper in Arabic

Meaning of whisper in Arabic is: (همس) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

whisper in Arabic

Arabic for whisper

1) whisper-verb


  ∘ whisper meaning in Arabic & English

to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying

التحدث بصوت منخفض جدا مع شخص ما بحيث لا يمكن للآخرين سماع ما تقوله

  ∘ Examples of whisper in Arabic and English

She leaned over and whispered in his ear.

انحنت نحوه وهمست في أذنه.

They were whispering to each other during the movie.

كانوا يهمسون لبعضهم البعض أثناء الفيلم.

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He whispered my name as he walked by.

همس باسمي وهو يمر بجانبي.

  ∘ How to pronounce whisper in English?

The word whisper is pronounced in English as

Arabic for whisper

1) whisper-verb


  ∘ whisper meaning in Arabic & English

to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying

التحدث بصوت منخفض جدًا مع شخص ما بحيث لا يمكن للآخرين سماع ما تقوله

  ∘ Examples of whisper in Arabic and English

She leaned over and whispered in his ear.

انحنت نحوه وهمست في أذنه.

They were whispering to each other during the movie.

كانوا يهمسون لبعضهم البعض أثناء الفيلم.

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He whispered my name as he walked by.

همس باسمي وهو يمر بجانبي.

  ∘ How to pronounce whisper in English?

The word whisper is pronounced in English as
