warn in Arabic

Meaning of warn in Arabic is: (حَذَّرَ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

warn in Arabic

Arabic for warn

1) warn-verb


  ∘ warn meaning in Arabic & English

to tell somebody about something, especially something dangerous or unpleasant that is likely to happen, so that they can avoid it

إخبار شخص ما عن شيء ما، خاصة شيئا خطيرا أو غير سار قد يحدث، حتى يتمكن من تجنبه

  ∘ Examples of warn in Arabic and English

He warned us not to go too close to the edge.

حذرنا من الاقتراب كثيرا من الحافة.

The sign warned of high voltage.

حذرت اللافتة من الجهد العالي.

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I warned you about the consequences.

لقد حذرتك من العواقب.

She warned him about the ice on the road.

حذرته من الجليد على الطريق.

Authorities warned that the storm was approaching.

حذرت السلطات من اقتراب العاصفة.

The weather forecast warned of heavy rain.

حذرت توقعات الطقس من هطول أمطار غزيرة.

Arabic for warn

1) warn-verb


  ∘ warn meaning in Arabic & English

to tell somebody about something, especially something dangerous or unpleasant that is likely to happen, so that they can avoid it

إخبار شخص ما عن شيء ما، خاصةً شيئًا خطيرًا أو غير سار قد يحدث، حتى يتمكن من تجنبه

  ∘ Examples of warn in Arabic and English

He warned us not to go too close to the edge.

حذرنا من الاقتراب كثيراً من الحافة.

The sign warned of high voltage.

حذرت اللافتة من الجهد العالي.

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I warned you about the consequences.

لقد حذرتك من العواقب.

She warned him about the ice on the road.

حذرته من الجليد على الطريق.

Authorities warned that the storm was approaching.

حذرت السلطات من اقتراب العاصفة.

The weather forecast warned of heavy rain.

حذرت توقعات الطقس من هطول أمطار غزيرة.
