theatre in Arabic

Meaning of theatre in Arabic is: (مَسْرَح) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

theatre in Arabic

Arabic for theatre

1) theatre-noun


  ∘ theatre meaning in Arabic & English

a building or an outdoor area where plays and similar types of entertainment are performed

مبنى أو منطقة خارجية حيث تؤدى المسرحيات وأنواع الترفيه المماثلة

  ∘ Examples of theatre in Arabic and English

They went to the theatre to watch a play.

ذهبوا إلى المسرح لمشاهدة مسرحية.

She is an actress who performs in theatres.

هي ممثلة تؤدي على خشبة المسرح.

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The city main theatre hosts many activities.

يستضيف المسرح الرئيسي بالمدينة العديد من الفعاليات.

Outdoor theatres are popular in the summer.

المسارح التي تقام في الهواء الطلق شائعة في فصل الصيف.

The ancient theatre was discovered during the excavation.

اكتشف المسرح القديم خلال التنقيب.

High schools have small theatres for student plays.

تحتوي المدارس الثانوية على مسارح صغيرة لمسرحيات الطلاب.

  ∘ How to pronounce theatre in English?

The word theatre is pronounced in English as

Arabic for theatre

1) theatre-noun


  ∘ theatre meaning in Arabic & English

a building or an outdoor area where plays and similar types of entertainment are performed

مبنى أو منطقة خارجية حيث تُؤدى المسرحيات وأنواع الترفيه المماثلة

  ∘ Examples of theatre in Arabic and English

They went to the theatre to watch a play.

ذهبوا إلى المسرح لمشاهدة مسرحية.

She is an actress who performs in theatres.

هي ممثلة تؤدي على خشبة المسرح.

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The city main theatre hosts many activities.

يستضيف المسرح الرئيسي بالمدينة العديد من الفعاليات.

Outdoor theatres are popular in the summer.

المسارح التي تُقام في الهواء الطلق شائعة في فصل الصيف.

The ancient theatre was discovered during the excavation.

اكتُشف المسرح القديم خلال التنقيب.

High schools have small theatres for student plays.

تحتوي المدارس الثانوية على مسارح صغيرة لمسرحيات الطلاب.

  ∘ How to pronounce theatre in English?

The word theatre is pronounced in English as
