rubbish in Arabic

Meaning of rubbish in Arabic is: (قمامة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

rubbish in Arabic

Arabic for rubbish

1) rubbish-n


  ∘ rubbish meaning in Arabic & English

things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them

أشياء تتخلص منها لأنك لم تعد ترغب بها أو تحتاج إليها

  ∘ Examples of rubbish in Arabic and English

She threw the rubbish in the bin.

ألقت القمامة في السلة.

The streets were littered with rubbish.

كانت الشوارع مليئة بالقمامة.

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They are making efforts to reduce household rubbish.

يبذلون جهودا لتقليل قمامة المنازل.

He sorted the rubbish into recyclables and non-recyclables.

قام بفرز القمامة إلى قابلة للتدوير وغير قابلة للتدوير.

There are bins for rubbish disposal at the end of the street.

هناك حاويات قمامة في نهاية الشارع.

Please put your rubbish in the bin.

يرجى وضع القمامة الخاصة بك في السلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce rubbish in English?

The word rubbish is pronounced in English as

Arabic for rubbish

1) rubbish-n


  ∘ rubbish meaning in Arabic & English

things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them

أشياء تتخلص منها لأنك لم تعد ترغب بها أو تحتاج إليها

  ∘ Examples of rubbish in Arabic and English

She threw the rubbish in the bin.

ألقت القمامة في السلة.

The streets were littered with rubbish.

كانت الشوارع مليئة بالقمامة.

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They are making efforts to reduce household rubbish.

يبذلون جهودًا لتقليل قمامة المنازل.

He sorted the rubbish into recyclables and non-recyclables.

قام بفرز القمامة إلى قابلة للتدوير وغير قابلة للتدوير.

There are bins for rubbish disposal at the end of the street.

هناك حاويات قمامة في نهاية الشارع.

Please put your rubbish in the bin.

يرجى وضع القمامة الخاصة بك في السلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce rubbish in English?

The word rubbish is pronounced in English as
