oppose in Arabic

Meaning of oppose in Arabic is: (عارض) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

oppose in Arabic

Arabic for oppose

1) oppose-v


  ∘ oppose meaning in Arabic & English

to disagree strongly with somebody’s plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding

الاختلاف بشدة مع خطة أو سياسة شخص ما، إلخ، ومحاولة تغييرها أو منعها من النجاح

  ∘ Examples of oppose in Arabic and English

He opposed the new law.

عارض القانون الجديد.

Many people opposed the decision.

عارض الكثير من الناس القرار.

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They opposed our suggestions.

عارضوا اقتراحاتنا.

She opposed his ideas in the meeting.

عارضت أفكاره في الاجتماع.

Activists opposed the construction plan.

عارض النشطاء خطة البناء.

The local council opposed the proposal strongly .

عارض المجلس المحلي الاقتراح بشدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce oppose in English?

The word oppose is pronounced in English as

Arabic for oppose

1) oppose-v


  ∘ oppose meaning in Arabic & English

to disagree strongly with somebody’s plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding

الاختلاف بشدة مع خطة أو سياسة شخص ما، إلخ، ومحاولة تغييرها أو منعها من النجاح

  ∘ Examples of oppose in Arabic and English

He opposed the new law.

عارض القانون الجديد.

Many people opposed the decision.

عارض الكثير من الناس القرار.

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They opposed our suggestions.

عارضوا اقتراحاتنا.

She opposed his ideas in the meeting.

عارضت أفكاره في الاجتماع.

Activists opposed the construction plan.

عارض النشطاء خطة البناء.

The local council opposed the proposal strongly .

عارض المجلس المحلي الاقتراح بشدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce oppose in English?

The word oppose is pronounced in English as
