online in Arabic

Meaning of online in Arabic is: (أُوْنْلَايْن) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

online in Arabic

Arabic for online

1) online -adverb


  ∘ online meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of online in Arabic and English

The government tries to perform its duties online

تحاول الحكومة ممارسة واجباتها أونلاين

We do our businesses during the pandemic online

نمارس أعمالنا أثناء الوباء أونلاين



  ∘ online meaning in Arabic & English

controlled by or connected to a computer or the Internet

  ∘ Examples of online in Arabic and English

Online games are fun and exciting

ألعاب الأونلاين شيّقة وممتعة

Online dating apps are dangerous for teenagers

تطبيقات المواعدة الأونلاين خطيرة على المراهقين

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Online shopping

التّسوّق أونلاينا

Arabic for online

1) online -adverb


  ∘ online meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of online in Arabic and English

The government tries to perform its duties online

تُحَاوِلُ الحُكُوْمَةُ مُمَارَسَةَ وَاجِبَاتِهَا أُوْنْلَايْنْ

We do our businesses during the pandemic online

نُمَارِسُ أَعْمَالَنَا أَثْنَاءَ الوَبَاءِ أُوْنْلَايْنْ



  ∘ online meaning in Arabic & English

controlled by or connected to a computer or the Internet

  ∘ Examples of online in Arabic and English

Online games are fun and exciting

أَلْعَابُ الأُوْنْلَايْنَ شَيِّقَةٌ وَمُمْتِعَةٌ

Online dating apps are dangerous for teenagers

تَطْبِيْقَاتُ المُوَاعَدَةِ الأُوْنْلَايْنَ خَطِيْرَةٌ عَلَىْ المُرَاهِقِيْنَ

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Online shopping

التَّسَوُّقُ أُوْنَلَايْنًا
