Arabic for mustache
1) mustache -noun
∘ mustache meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Plural of شارب in Arabic
∘ Examples of mustache in Arabic and English
I should trim my mustache before going to the wedding party
عليّ قصّ شاربي قبل الذّهاب إلى حفل الزّفاف
∘ How to pronounce mustache in English?
The word mustache is pronounced in English as
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Arabic for mustache
1) mustache -noun
∘ mustache meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Plural of شَارِب in Arabic
∘ Examples of mustache in Arabic and English
I should trim my mustache before going to the wedding party
عَلَيَّ قَصُّ شَارِبِيَ قَبْلَ الذَّهَابِ إِلَىْ حَفْلِ الزِّفَافِ
∘ How to pronounce mustache in English?
The word mustache is pronounced in English as
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