historic in Arabic

Meaning of historic in Arabic is: (تاريخي) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

historic in Arabic

Arabic for historic

1) historic-adj


  ∘ historic meaning in Arabic & English

important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future

مهم في التاريخ؛ من المحتمل أن يعتبر مهما في وقت ما في المستقبل

  ∘ Examples of historic in Arabic and English

This is a historic building.

هذا مبنى تاريخي.

They won a historic victory.

لقد فازوا بانتصار تاريخي.

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The treaty was a historic moment.

كانت المعاهدة لحظة تاريخية.

We live in historic times.

نعيش في أوقات تاريخية.

This discovery has historic significance.

لهذا الاكتشاف أهمية تاريخية.

These artifacts are historic treasures.

هذه القطع الأثرية كنوز تاريخية.

  ∘ How to pronounce historic in English?

The word historic is pronounced in English as

Arabic for historic

1) historic-adj


  ∘ historic meaning in Arabic & English

important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future

مهم في التاريخ؛ من المحتمل أن يعتبر مهمًا في وقت ما في المستقبل

  ∘ Examples of historic in Arabic and English

This is a historic building.

هذا مبنى تاريخي.

They won a historic victory.

لقد فازوا بانتصار تاريخي.

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The treaty was a historic moment.

كانت المعاهدة لحظة تاريخية.

We live in historic times.

نعيش في أوقات تاريخية.

This discovery has historic significance.

لهذا الاكتشاف أهمية تاريخية.

These artifacts are historic treasures.

هذه القطع الأثرية كنوز تاريخية.

  ∘ How to pronounce historic in English?

The word historic is pronounced in English as
