faith in Arabic

Meaning of faith in Arabic is: (ثقة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

faith in Arabic

Arabic for faith

1) faith-noun


  ∘ faith meaning in Arabic & English

trust in somebody’s ability or knowledge; trust that somebody/something will do what has been promised

الثقة في قدرة أو معرفة شخص ما؛ الثقة بأن شخصا ما أو شيئا ما سيفعل ما تم وعده

  ∘ Examples of faith in Arabic and English

She has great faith in her doctor

لديها ثقة كبير بطبيبها.

They showed their faith in us.

أظهروا ثقتهم بنا.

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We've lost faith in the government.

لقد فقدنا الثقة في الحكومة.

He seems to have a blind faith in his partner.

تبدوا ثقته في شريكه عمياء.

  ∘ How to pronounce faith in English?

The word faith is pronounced in English as

Arabic for faith

1) faith-noun


  ∘ faith meaning in Arabic & English

trust in somebody’s ability or knowledge; trust that somebody/something will do what has been promised

الثقة في قدرة أو معرفة شخص ما؛ الثقة بأن شخصًا ما أو شيئًا ما سيفعل ما تم وعده

  ∘ Examples of faith in Arabic and English

She has great faith in her doctor

لديها ثقة كبير بطبيبها.

They showed their faith in us.

أظهروا ثقتهم بنا.

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We've lost faith in the government.

لقد فقدنا الثقة في الحكومة.

He seems to have a blind faith in his partner.

تبدوا ثقته في شريكه عمياء.

  ∘ How to pronounce faith in English?

The word faith is pronounced in English as
