expression in Arabic

Meaning of expression in Arabic is: (مصطلح) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

expression in Arabic

Arabic for expression

1) expression-N


  ∘ expression meaning in Arabic & English

A word or phrase used to convey an idea or feeling.

كلمة أو عبارة تستخدم لنقل فكرة أو شعور.

  ∘ Examples of expression in Arabic and English

Expressions vary significantly across different cultures.

تختلف المصطلحات بشكل كبير بين الثقافات المختلفة.

Useful words and expressions.

كلمات ومصطلحات مفيدة.

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an old-fashioned expression.

مصطلح قديم.

Her writing is full of colourful expressions.

كتاباتها مليئة بالمصطلحات الجميلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce expression in English?

The word expression is pronounced in English as

Arabic for expression

1) expression-N


  ∘ expression meaning in Arabic & English

A word or phrase used to convey an idea or feeling.

كلمة أو عبارة تُستخدم لنقل فكرة أو شعور.

  ∘ Examples of expression in Arabic and English

Expressions vary significantly across different cultures.

تختلف المصطلحات بشكل كبير بين الثقافات المختلفة.

Useful words and expressions.

كلمات ومصطلحات مفيدة.

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an old-fashioned expression.

مصطلح قديم.

Her writing is full of colourful expressions.

كتاباتها مليئة بالمصطلحات الجميلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce expression in English?

The word expression is pronounced in English as
