drag in Arabic

Meaning of drag in Arabic is: (جرّ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

drag in Arabic

Arabic for drag

1) drag-verb


  ∘ drag meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of drag in Arabic and English

He dragged the heavy box across the room.

جرّ الصندوق الثقيل عبر الغرفة.

They dragged the boat ashore.

جروا القارب إلى الشاطئ.

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I had to drag myself out of bed early this morning.

اضطررت لجر نفسي من السرير مبكرا هذا الصباح.

She dragged her feet as she walked.

جرت قدميها أثناء السير.

Their performance dragged down the whole team.

جرّ أداؤهم الفريق كله إلى الأسفل.

  ∘ How to pronounce drag in English?

The word drag is pronounced in English as

Arabic for drag

1) drag-verb


  ∘ drag meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of drag in Arabic and English

He dragged the heavy box across the room.

جرّ الصندوق الثقيل عبر الغرفة.

They dragged the boat ashore.

جروا القارب إلى الشاطئ.

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I had to drag myself out of bed early this morning.

اضطررت لجر نفسي من السرير مبكراً هذا الصباح.

She dragged her feet as she walked.

جرت قدميها أثناء السير.

Their performance dragged down the whole team.

جرّ أداؤهم الفريق كله إلى الأسفل.

  ∘ How to pronounce drag in English?

The word drag is pronounced in English as
