cut in Arabic

Meaning of cut in Arabic is: (قص، قطع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

cut in Arabic

Arabic for cut

1) cut-verb


  ∘ cut meaning in Arabic & English

to make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors

صنع فتحة أو جرح في شيء، خاصة بأداة حادة مثل سكين أو مقص

  ∘ Examples of cut in Arabic and English

She cut the paper with scissors.

قصت الورقة بالمقص.

Using a laser, the machine cut through the metal.

قصت الآلة المعدن بالليزر.

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Can you cut this thread?

هل يمكنك قطع هذا الخيط ؟

  ∘ How to pronounce cut in English?

The word cut is pronounced in English as

2) cut-verb


  ∘ cut meaning in Arabic & English

to make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors

قطع أي عمل فتحة أو جرح في شيء ما خاصة بأداة حادة مثل سكين أو مقص

  ∘ Examples of cut in Arabic and English

She cut off a piece of string to tie the package.

.قطعت قطعة من الخيط لربط الطرد

The chef cut the vegetables into small pieces.

.قطع رئيس الطهاة الخضروات إلى قطع صغيرة

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He cut the rope to free the boat.

قطع الحبل لتحرير القارب.

We cut the cake into eight slices.

قطعنا الكعكة إلى ثماني شرائح.

  ∘ How to pronounce cut in English?

The word cut is pronounced in English as

Arabic for cut

1) cut-verb


  ∘ cut meaning in Arabic & English

to make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors

صنع فتحة أو جرح في شيء، خاصة بأداة حادة مثل سكين أو مقص

  ∘ Examples of cut in Arabic and English

She cut the paper with scissors.

قصت الورقة بالمقص.

Using a laser, the machine cut through the metal.

قصت الآلة المعدن بالليزر.

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Can you cut this thread?

هل يمكنك قطع هذا الخيط ؟

  ∘ How to pronounce cut in English?

The word cut is pronounced in English as

2) cut-verb


  ∘ cut meaning in Arabic & English

to make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors

قطع أي عمل فتحة أو جرح في شيء ما خاصة بأداة حادة مثل سكين أو مقص

  ∘ Examples of cut in Arabic and English

She cut off a piece of string to tie the package.

.قطعت قطعة من الخيط لربط الطرد

The chef cut the vegetables into small pieces.

.قطع رئيس الطهاة الخضروات إلى قطع صغيرة

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He cut the rope to free the boat.

قطع الحبل لتحرير القارب.

We cut the cake into eight slices.

قطعنا الكعكة إلى ثماني شرائح.

  ∘ How to pronounce cut in English?

The word cut is pronounced in English as
