complicated in Arabic

Meaning of complicated in Arabic is: (معقد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

complicated in Arabic

Arabic for complicated

1) complicated-adjective


  ∘ complicated meaning in Arabic & English

made of many different things or parts that are connected; difficult to understand

مكون من أشياء أو أجزاء مختلفة متصلة ببعضها؛ صعب الفهم

  ∘ Examples of complicated in Arabic and English

This puzzle is too complicated for young children.

هذا اللغز معقد جدا بالنسبة للأطفال الصغار.

The instructions were so complicated that I couldn

كانت التعليمات معقدة لدرجة أنني لم أستطع اتباعها.

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They entered into a complicated agreement.

دخلوا في اتفاق معقد.

Fixing the engine is a complicated process.

إصلاح المحرك عملية معقدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce complicated in English?

The word complicated is pronounced in English as

Arabic for complicated

1) complicated-adjective


  ∘ complicated meaning in Arabic & English

made of many different things or parts that are connected; difficult to understand

مكون من أشياء أو أجزاء مختلفة متصلة ببعضها؛ صعب الفهم

  ∘ Examples of complicated in Arabic and English

This puzzle is too complicated for young children.

هذا اللغز معقد جدًا بالنسبة للأطفال الصغار.

The instructions were so complicated that I couldn

كانت التعليمات معقدة لدرجة أنني لم أستطع اتباعها.

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They entered into a complicated agreement.

دخلوا في اتفاق معقد.

Fixing the engine is a complicated process.

إصلاح المحرك عملية معقدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce complicated in English?

The word complicated is pronounced in English as
