backup in Arabic

Meaning of backup in Arabic is: (احْتِيَاط، دَعْم، نُسْخَةٌ اِحْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

backup in Arabic

Arabic for backup

1) backup-noun


  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

The wedding hall has a backup generator

لدى صالة الأفراح مولّد احتياطيّ

I've brought my cousin as a backup in case one of us got injured

جلبت ابن عمّي كلاعب احتياطيّ إن أصيب أحدنا

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Do you have a backup plan?

هل لديك خطّة احتياطيّة؟



  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

a copy of information held on a computer that is stored separately from the computer

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

Make a backup of your website

اعمل نسخة احتياطيّة لموقع الويب الخاصّ بك

If not for the backup, I would've restarted from the beginning

لولا النّسخة الاحتياطيّة لأعدت العمل من الصّفر

2) backup-noun


  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

people or things that can be used to provide support and help if they are needed

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

Our soldiers have a backup from foreign forces

يحظى جنودنا بدعم من قوّات أجنبيّة

3) backup -noun

نسخة احتياطيّة-اسم

  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

a copy of a file, etc. that can be used if the original is lost or damaged

النّسخة الاحتياطيّة هي نسخة مطابقة لمستند أو وثيقة أو بيانات يحتفظ بها للاستخدام إن تلفت النّسخة الأصليّة

  ∘ Plural of نسخة احتياطيّة in Arabic

نسخات احتياطيّة/ نسخات احتياطيّة/ نسخ احتياطيّة

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

I made several backup of the corporation's database

عملت بضعة نسخ احتياطيّة لقاعدة بيانات الشّركة

Arabic for backup

1) backup-noun


  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

The wedding hall has a backup generator

لَدَىْ صَالَةِ الأَفْرَاحِ مُوَلِّدٌ احْتِيَاطِيٌّ

I've brought my cousin as a backup in case one of us got injured

جَلَبْتُ ابْنَ عَمِّيَ كَلَاعِبٍ احْتِيَاطِيٍّ إِنْ أُصِيْبَ أَحَدُنَا

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Do you have a backup plan?

هَلْ لَدَيْكَ خُطَّةٌ احْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ؟



  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

a copy of information held on a computer that is stored separately from the computer

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

Make a backup of your website

اعْمِلْ نُسْخَةً احْتِيَاطِيَّةً لِمَوْقِعِ الوِيْبَ الخَاصِّ بِكَ

If not for the backup, I would've restarted from the beginning

لَوْلَا النُّسْخَةُ الاحْتِيَاطِيَّةُ لَأَعَدْتُ العَمَلَ مِنَ الصِّفْرِ

2) backup-noun


  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

people or things that can be used to provide support and help if they are needed

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

Our soldiers have a backup from foreign forces

يَحْظَىْ جُنُوْدُنَا بِدَعْمٍ مِنْ قُوَّاتٍ أَجْنَبِيَّةٍ

3) backup -noun

نُسْخَةٌ اِحْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ-اسم

  ∘ backup meaning in Arabic & English

a copy of a file, etc. that can be used if the original is lost or damaged

النُّسْخَةُ الاحْتِيَاطِيَّةُ هِيَ نُسْخَةٌ مُطَابِقَةٌ لِمُسْتَنَدٍ أَوْ وَثِيْقَةٍ أَوْ بَيَانَاتٍ يُحْتَفَظُ بِهَا لِلِاسْتِخْدَامِ إِنْ تَلِفَتِ النُّسْخَةُ الأَصْلِيَّةُ

  ∘ Plural of نُسْخَةٌ اِحْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ in Arabic

نُسْخَاتٌ اِحْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ/ نُسُخَاتٌ اِحْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ/ نُسَخٌ اِحْتِيَاطِيَّةٌ

  ∘ Examples of backup in Arabic and English

I made several backup of the corporation's database

عَمِلْتُ بِضْعَةَ نُسَخٍ احْتِيَاطِيَّةٍ لِقَاعِدَةِ بَيَانَاتِ الشَّرِكَةِ
