Arabic for Station
1) Station-noun
∘ Examples of Station in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce Station in English?
The word Station is pronounced in English as
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2) bus station-noun
محطّة الحافلات-اسم
∘ Examples of bus station in Arabic and English
He took the bus from the bus station to the airport
استقلّ الحافلة من محطّة الحافلات وحتّى لمطار
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3) train station-noun
محطّة القطار-اسم
∘ Examples of train station in Arabic and English
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4) gas station-noun
محطّة وقود-اسم
∘ Examples of gas station in Arabic and English
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5) TV station-noun
محطة تلفاز-اسم
∘ Examples of TV station in Arabic and English
He entered into discussions with the local TV station concerning the broadcasting of wildlife series
دخل في مفاوضات مع محطّة التّلفاز المحلّيّة بشأن عرض حلقات عن الحياة البرّيّة
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6) radio station-noun
محطّة إذاعة-اسم
∘ Examples of radio station in Arabic and English
The popularity of radio stations has deceased among the listeners
انخفضت شعبيّة المحطّات الإذاعيّة بين المستمعين
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7) space station-noun
محطّة فضاء-اسم
∘ Examples of space station in Arabic and English
The International Space Station
محطّة الفضاء الدّوليّة
Our country would be participating fully in the project to build the new space station
وطننا سيشارك بشكل كامل في بناء محطّة الفضاء الجديدة
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8) ground station-noun
محطة أرضية-اسم
∘ Examples of ground station in Arabic and English
The ground station receives signals from satellites
تستقبل المحطّات الأرضيّة الإشارات من الأقمار الصّناعيّة
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Arabic for Station
1) Station-noun
∘ Examples of Station in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce Station in English?
The word Station is pronounced in English as
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2) bus station-noun
مَحَطَّةُ الحَافِلاتِ-اسم
∘ Examples of bus station in Arabic and English
He took the bus from the bus station to the airport
استَقَلَّ الحَافِلَةَ مِن مَحَطَّةِ الحافِلاتِ وَحَتَّى لمَطَارَ
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3) train station-noun
مَحَطَّةُ القِطَارِ-اسم
∘ Examples of train station in Arabic and English
The boy man works as a newsboy at the train station
يَعمَلُ الصَّبِيُّ كَبائِعِ جَرائِدٍ عِندَ مَحَطَّةِ القِطَارِ
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4) gas station-noun
مَحَطَّةِ وَقٌودٍ-اسم
∘ Examples of gas station in Arabic and English
It was necessary to construct a new gas station
كانَ مِنَ الضَّرورِيِّ بِناءَ مَحَطَّةِ وَقودٍ جَدِيدَةٍ
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5) TV station-noun
محطة تلفاز-اسم
∘ Examples of TV station in Arabic and English
He entered into discussions with the local TV station concerning the broadcasting of wildlife series
دَخَلَ فِي مُفاوَضاتٍ مَعَ مَحَطَّةِ التِّلفازِ المَحَلِّيَّةِ بِشَأنِ عَرضِ حَلَقَاتٍ عَنِ الحَياةِ البَرِّيَّةِ
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6) radio station-noun
مَحَطَّةَ إِذاعَةٍ-اسم
∘ Examples of radio station in Arabic and English
I changed the radio station to listen to the news
غَيَّرتُ المَحَطَّةَ الإِذاعِيَّةَ لِأَستَمِعَ لِلأَخْبارِ
The popularity of radio stations has deceased among the listeners
انخَفَضَتْ شَعبِيَّةُ المَحَطَّاتِ الإِذاعِيَّةِ بَينَ المُستَمِعينَ
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7) space station-noun
مَحَطَّةُ فَضَاءٍ-اسم
∘ Examples of space station in Arabic and English
The International Space Station
مَحَطَّةُ الفَضَاءِ الدُّوَلِيَّةِ
Our country would be participating fully in the project to build the new space station
وَطَنُنا سَيُشارِكُ بِشَكلٍ كامِلٍ فِي بِناءِ مَحَطَّةِ الفَضاءِ الجَدِيدَةِ
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8) ground station-noun
محطة أرضية-اسم
∘ Examples of ground station in Arabic and English
The ground station receives signals from satellites
تَستَقبِلُ المَحَطَّاتُ الأَرضِيَّةُ الإِشاراتِ مِنَ الأَقمارِ الصِّناعِيَّةِ
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