ملموس in English

Meaning of ملموس in English is: (concrete, visible) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ملموس بالانجليزي

English for ملموس


1) concrete-adj


  ∘ ملموس meaning in English & Arabic

definite and specific

الملموس: أي المحدّد والواضح المحسوس

  ∘ Examples of ملموس in English and Arabic

We need to have a concrete evidence to arrest him

نحتاج دليلا ملموسا لنعتقله

I do not want talks, I want concrete results

لا أريد كلاما, إنّما أريد نتائج ملموسة

More Examples

More concrete actions are required to change the bad situation in the Peninsula

يتطلّب تغيير الوضع السّيّء في شبه الجزيرة مزيدا من لإجراءات الملموسة

Concrete and abstract terms

المفاهيم الملموسة والمجرّدة

  ∘ How to pronounce ملموس in English?

concrete is pronounced in English as

2) visible-adj


  ∘ ملموس meaning in English & Arabic

[usually before noun] that is obvious enough to be noticed

ملموس أي واضح ويمكن ملاحظته بسهولة

  ∘ Examples of ملموس in English and Arabic

They didn't show any visible emotion.

لم يبدوا أيّ انفعال ملموس.

The plant has visible signs of disease.

لدى النبتة مؤشرات مرض ملموسة.

More Examples

They don't have a visible vision to the matter.

ليس لديهم رؤية ملموسة للمسألة.

The goals they put was visible to the majority.

الأهداف التي وضعوها ملموسة للأغلبية .

  ∘ How to pronounce ملموس in English?

visible is pronounced in English as

English for ملموس


1) concrete-adj


  ∘ مَلْمُوْس meaning in English & Arabic

definite and specific

المَلْمُوْسُ: أَيِ المُحَدَّدُ وَالوَاضِحُ المَحْسُوْسُ

  ∘ Examples of مَلْمُوْس in English and Arabic

We need to have a concrete evidence to arrest him

نَحْتَاجُ دَلِيْلًا مَلْمُوْسًا لِنَعْتَقِلْهُ

I do not want talks, I want concrete results

لَا أُرِيْدُ كَلَامًا, إِنَّمَا أُرِيْدُ نَتَائِجَ مَلْمُوْسَةً

More Examples

More concrete actions are required to change the bad situation in the Peninsula

يَتَطَلَّبُ تَغْيِيْرُ الوَضْعِ السَّيِّءِ فِيْ شِبْهِ الجَزِيْرَةِ مَزِيْدًا مِنَ لإِجْرَاءَاتِ المَلْمُوْسَةَ

Concrete and abstract terms

المَفَاهِيْمُ المَلْمُوْسَةُ وَالمُجَرَّدَةُ

  ∘ How to pronounce مَلْمُوْس in English?

concrete is pronounced in English as

2) visible-adj


  ∘ مَلْمُوْس meaning in English & Arabic

[usually before noun] that is obvious enough to be noticed

مَلْمُوْسٌ أَيْ وَاضِحٌ وَيُمْكِنُ مُلَاحَظَتُهُ بِسُهُوْلَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of مَلْمُوْس in English and Arabic

They didn't show any visible emotion.

لم يُبدوا أيّ انفعال ملموس.

The plant has visible signs of disease.

لدى النبتة مؤشرات مرض ملموسة.

More Examples

They don't have a visible vision to the matter.

ليس لديهم رؤية ملموسة للمسألة.

The goals they put was visible to the majority.

الأهداف التي وضعوها ملموسة للأغلبية .

  ∘ How to pronounce مَلْمُوْس in English?

visible is pronounced in English as
