مرئي in English

Meaning of مرئي in English is: (visible) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مرئي بالانجليزي

English for مرئي


1) visible-adj


  ∘ مرئيّ meaning in English & Arabic

something that is visible can be seen

مرئيّ أي يمكن رؤيته

  ∘ Examples of مرئيّ in English and Arabic

The giant ship is visible

السّفينة العملاقة مرئيّة

Be sure your name is also clearly visible

تأكّد من أنّ اسمك مرئي بوضوح

More Examples

The visible village is full of rivers

القرية المرئيّة مليئة بالأنهار

  ∘ How to pronounce مرئيّ in English?

visible is pronounced in English as

English for مرئي


1) visible-adj


  ∘ مَرْئِيّ meaning in English & Arabic

something that is visible can be seen

مَرْئِيٌّ أَيْ يُمْكِنُ رُؤْيَتُهُ

  ∘ Examples of مَرْئِيّ in English and Arabic

The giant ship is visible

اَلسَّفِينَةُ اَلْعِمْلَاقَةُ مَرْئِيَّةٌ

Be sure your name is also clearly visible

تَأَكَّد مِنْ أَنَّ اِسْمَكَ مرئيٌ بِوُضُوح

More Examples

The visible village is full of rivers

الْقَرْيَةُ الْمَرْئِيَّةُ مَلِيئَةٌ بِالْأنهَارِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مَرْئِيّ in English?

visible is pronounced in English as
