متوافق in English

Meaning of متوافق in English is: (compliance) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

متوافق بالانجليزي

English for متوافق


1) compliance-noun


  ∘ متوافق meaning in English & Arabic

when someone obeys a rule, agreement, or demand

متوافق: أي منسجم وموافق لشيء ما

  ∘ Examples of متوافق in English and Arabic

This law is not in compliance with the constitution

هذا القانون غير متوافق مع الدّستور

Our moves are in compliance with the law

تحرّكاتنا متوافقة مع القانون

  ∘ How to pronounce متوافق in English?

compliance is pronounced in English as

English for متوافق


1) compliance-noun


  ∘ مُتَوَافِق meaning in English & Arabic

when someone obeys a rule, agreement, or demand

مُتَوَافِقٌ: أَيْ مُنْسَجِمٌ وَمُوَافِقٌ لِشَيْءٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of مُتَوَافِق in English and Arabic

This law is not in compliance with the constitution

هَذَا القَانُوْنُ غَيْرُ مُتَوَافِقٍ مَعَ الدُّسْتُوْرِ

Our moves are in compliance with the law

تَحَرُّكَاتُنَا مُتَوَافِقَةٌ مَعَ القَانُوْنِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُتَوَافِق in English?

compliance is pronounced in English as
